Are you searching for GK on State flowers in india? If Yes then you are at right place. Here you will find detailed General Knowledge on State flowers in india - GK Questions and Answers, Trivia, Quiz, Interview MCQ, Current Affairs for government & competitive exams like SSC and UPSC, RRB, NDA, CDS exams, around 10% to 20% of GK questions are asked from the Current GK. as you know State flowers in india Static GK is very important for Competitive Exams. In this gk section we are covering GK on State flowers in india
States / UTs | Flower Name | Scientific Name |
Arunachal Pradesh | Lady’s Slipper | Cypripedioideae |
Assam | Foxtail Orchids | Rhynchostylis gigantea |
Bihar | Pot Marigold (Genda) | Calendula officinalis |
Gujarat | Marigold (Galgota) | Tagetes erecta |
Haryana | Lotus | Nelumbo nucifera |
Himachal Pradesh | Rhododendron | Rhododendron ponticum |
Jammu and Kashmir | Common Rhododendron | Rhododendron ponticum |
Jharkhand | Parrot Tree | Butea monosperma |
Karnataka | Lotus | Nelumbo nucifera |
Kerala | Golden Shower Tree | Cassia fistula |
Meghalaya | Lady’s Slipper | Cypripedioideae |
Madhya Pradesh | Parrot Tree | Butea monosperma |
Maharashtra | Tamhini, Jarul | Lagerstroemia speciosa |
Manipur | Siroi Lily | Lilium mackliniae |
Mizoram | Red Vanda | Renanthera imschootiana |
Nagaland | Rhododendron | Rhododendron ponticum |
Odisha | Ashoka | Saraca asoca |
Puducherry | Cannonball tree’s Flower | Couroupita guianensis |
Rajasthan | Rohira | Tecomella undulata |
Sikkim | Noble orchid | Cymbidium goeringii |
Tamil Nadu | Glory lily | Gloriosa superba |
Telangana | Senna auriculata | Caesalpinioideae |
Tripura | Nag Kesar | Mesua ferrea |
Uttarakhand | Brahma Kamal | Saussurea obvallata |
Uttar Pradesh | Palash | Butea monosperma |
West Bengal | Night-flowering Jasmine | Nyctanthes arbor-tristis |