Static GK - Diseases caused by bacteria

Are you searching for GK on Diseases caused by bacteria? If Yes then you are at right place. Here you will find detailed General Knowledge on Diseases caused by bacteria - GK Questions and Answers, Trivia, Quiz, Interview MCQ, Current Affairs for government & competitive exams like SSC and UPSC, RRB, NDA, CDS exams, around 10% to 20% of GK questions are asked from the Current GK. as you know Diseases caused by bacteria Static GK is very important for Competitive Exams. In this gk section we are covering GK on Diseases caused by bacteria


Disease NameBacteria PathogenAffected OrgansTransmission Through
Chlamydial urethritisChlamydia trachomatisCervix, Eye, UrethraSexual
CholeraVibrio choleraeIntestineFood & water
DiphtheriaCorynebacterium diphtheriaNose, throatInfected person
GonorrhoeaNeisseria gonorrhoeaeUrinary tractSexual
Leprosy (or Hansen’s disease (HD))Mycobacterium leprae and Mycobacterium lepromatosisSkin, bone, nervesContact
PlagueYersinia pestisLymphInfected fleas
PneumoniaBacterial pneumonia (also from virus)LungEnvironment
Pertussis (also whooping cough)Bordetella pertussisLungInfected environment
SyphilisTreponema pallidumSkin, Cardiovascular organsSexual
TetanusClostridium tetaniMuscle (spasms)Infected environment
Tuberculosis (TB)Mycobacterium tuberculosisLungInfected air
TyphusRickettsia bacteriaSkinBugs or by other means of contact

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