Are you searching for GK on Books by prominent leaders? If Yes then you are at right place. Here you will find detailed General Knowledge on Books by prominent leaders - GK Questions and Answers, Trivia, Quiz, Interview MCQ, Current Affairs for government & competitive exams like SSC and UPSC, RRB, NDA, CDS exams, around 10% to 20% of GK questions are asked from the Current GK. as you know Books by prominent leaders Static GK is very important for Competitive Exams. In this gk section we are covering GK on Books by prominent leaders
Name of the Book | Author |
Narendra Modi: A Political Biography | Andy Marino |
India 2020 - A Vision for New Millennium | APJ Abdul Kalam and YS Rajan |
Wings of Fire | APJ Abdul Kalam |
Ignited Minds | APJ Abdul Kalam |
You Are Unique | APJ Abdul Kalam |
Indomitable Spirit | APJ Abdul Kalam |
Turning Points - A Journey through Challenges | APJ Abdul Kalam |
My Journey - Transforming Dreams into Actions | APJ Abdul Kalam |
Governance for Growth in India | APJ Abdul Kalam |
Target 3 Billion | APJ Abdul Kalam and Srijan Pal Singh |
The Doctor and Saint: Caste, Race and Annihilation of Caste | Arundhati Roy |
Debate Between B R Ambedkar and M K Gandhi | Arundhati Roy |
Geeta Rahashya | Bal Gangadhar Tilak |
The Arctic Home in the Vedas | Bal Gangadhar Tilak |
The Audacity of Hope | Barrack Obama |
Dreams From My Father | Barrack Obama |
Back to Work | Bill Clinton |
Midnight Diaries | Boris Yelstin |
Unreal Elections | C S Krishna |
Poverty and Un-British Rule in India | Dadabhai Naoroji |
India Divided | Dr Rajendra Prasad |
The Annihilation of Caste | Dr. B R Ambedkar |
Changing India | Dr. Manmohan Singh |
Indian Philosophy | Dr. S. Radhakrishnan |
Hindu View of Life | Dr. S. Radhakrishnan |
Assassination of Rajiv Gandhi: An Inside Job | Faraz Ahmad |
Citizen and Society | Hamid Ansari |
Hard Choices | Hillary Clinton |
Matters of Discretion: An Autobiography | I K Gujral |
A foreign policy for India | I K Gujral |
My Truth | Indira Gandhi |
Green Signals Ecology, Growth and Democracy in India | Jairam Ramesh |
To the Brink and Back: India’s 1991 story | Jairam Ramesh |
India at Risk | Jaswant Singh |
The Audacity of opinion | Jaswant Singh |
Jinnah: India- Partition Independence | Jaswant Singh |
Discovery of India | Jawaharlal Nehru |
Glimpses of World History | Jawaharlal Nehru |
Prison Diary | Jayaprakash Narayan |
Unhappy India | Lala Lajpat Rai |
My Country My Life | LK Advani |
My Own Boswell | M Hidyatullah |
My Experiments with Truth | Mahatma Gandhi |
Hind Swaraj | Mahatma Gandhi |
Key to Health | Mahatma Gandhi |
My Unforgettable Memories | Mamta Banerjee |
India Wins Freedom | Maulana Abul Kalam Azad |
Ghubar-e-khatir | Maulana Abul Kalam Azad |
Indian Parliamentary Diplomacy Speaker’s Perspective | Meira Kumar |
Exam Warriors | Narendra Modi |
Without Fear or Favour | Neelam Sanjeeva Reddy |
Long Walk to Freedom | Nelson Mandela |
A View from the Outside | P Chidambaram |
Undaunted, Saving the Idea of India | P Chidambaram |
The Insider | P.V Narasimha Rao |
Dramatic Decade: The Indira Gandhi years | Pranab Mukherjee |
Saga of Struggle and Sacrifice | Pranab Mukherjee |
Challenges before the Nation | Pranab Mukherjee |
The Insider | PV Narasimha Rao |
My Presidential Years | R Venkataraman |
2014 : The Election that changed India | Rajdeep Sardesai |
India After Gandhi - History of the World’s largest Democracy | Ramchandra Guha |
My Years with Rajiv & Sonia | RD Pradhan |
Jinnah vs Gandhi | Roderick Matthews |
Modinomics | Sameer Kochar |
The Accidental Prime Minister: The making and unmaking of Manmohan Singh | Sanjaya Baru |
Golden Threshold | Sarojini Naidu |
The Broken Wing, Songs of Life, Death & the Spring | Sarojini Naidu |
The Birds of Time, Songs of Life, Death & the Spring | Sarojini Naidu |
The Sceptred Flute: Songs of India | Sarojini Naidu |
The Feather of the Dawn | Sarojini Naidu |
The Great Indian Novel | Shashi Tharoor |
Citizen Delhi: My Life, My Times | Sheila Dikshit |
Beyond Survival: Emerging Dimensions of Indian Economy | Shri Pranab Mukherjee |
Saga of Struggle and Sacrifice | Shri Pranab Mukherjee |
Challenges before the Nation | Shri Pranab Mukherjee |
The Dramatic Decade: The Days of Indira Gandhi | Shri Pranab Mukherjee |
The Indian Struggle 1920-1942 | Subhash Chandra Bose |
The Rebel: A biography of Ram Jethmalani | Sujan Adelman |
Modi - Incredible emergence of a Star | Tarun Vijay |
The Indian War of Independence of 1857 | V.D. Savarkar |
Public Issue before Parliament | Vijay Darda |
Jobs for Our Millions | VV Giri |
India Unmade | Yashwant Sinha |