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Scientific Study Names

General Knowledge : Scientific Study Names
Acology : Study of medical remedies

Adenology : Study of glands

Aerology : Study of the atmosphere

Agrology : Study of agricultural soils

Anesthesiology : Study of anesthetics

Anatomy : Study of the structure of living things

Anthropobiology : Study of the natural history of the human species

Anthropology : Study of humanity

Apiology : Study of bees

Arachnology : Study of spiders

Archaeology : Study of human activity in the past

Astrology : Study of influence of stars on people

Astronomy : Study of celestial bodies

Auxology : Study of growth

Barology : Study of gravitation

Bibliology : Study of books

Biology : Study of life

Botany : Study of plants

Bromatology : Study of food

Brontology : Study of thunder

Calorifics : Study of heat

Cardiology : Study of the heart

Carpology : Study of fruit

Chemistry : Study of the composition, properties and behavior of matter

Cosmology : Study of the universe

Cryptology : Study of codes

Dactylography : Study of fingerprints

Dendrology : Study of trees

Dermatology : Study of skin

Desmology : Study of ligaments

Ecology : Study of environment

Economics : Study of material wealth

Edaphology : Study of soils

Entomology : Study of insects

Floristry : Study of cultivating and selling flowers

Geoponics : Study of agriculture

Graphology : Study of handwriting

Helminthological : Study of worms

Hematology : Study of blood

Hydrogeology : Study of ground water

Hygrometry : Study of humidity

Ichthyology : Study of fish

Insectology : Study of insects

Linguistics : Study of language

Meteorology : Study of weather

Nephology : Study of clouds

Nephrology : Study of the kidneys

Numismatics : Study of coins

Odontology : Study of teeth

Oology : Study of eggs

Ophiology : Study of snakes

Ornithology : Study of birds

Orthopterology : Study of cockroaches

Osteology : Study of bones

Otology : Study of the ear

Palaeolimnology : Study of ancient fish

Pathology : Study and diagnosis of disease

Psychology : Study of mental functions and behaviors

Seismology : Study of earthquakes

Thermology : Study of heat

Vermeology : Study of worms

Xylology : Study of wood

Zoology : Study of animals


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