Science Inventions And Discoveries
General Knowledge : Science Inventions And Discoveries
Inventor / Discoveror | Invention / Discovery | Year |
A.Avogadro | Molecular Hypothesis | 1811 |
A.Becquerel | Principle of Photo-electric Cell | 1839 |
A.Becquerel | Radio-activity | 1896 |
A.Binet & T.Simon | Intelligence Testing,Modern | 1905 |
A.Einstein | Theory of Relativity | 1905 |
A.Lavoisier | Nature of Combustion | 1777 |
Archimedes | Theory of Displacement of water 3rd century | 1859 |
Charles Darwin | Theory of Evolution by Natural by Natural Selection | 1896 |
Charles Darwin | Orign of Species | 1737-53 |
C.Linneaus | Classification of Plants and Animals | 1869 |
D.Mendeleev | Periodic Table | 1912 |
F.Soddy | Theory of Isotopes | 1590 |
Galileo | Laws of FAlling bodies | 1865 |
G.Mendel | Laws of Heredity | 1827 |
G.S.Ohm | Ohm's Law | 1827 |
Strassman,Hahn,Bohr,Fermi | Uranium Fission Theory | 1781 |
H.Cavendish | Synthesis of Water | 1886 |
Heinrich Hertz | Electro-magnetic Waves | - |
H.G.Khorana | Genetic Code | 1913 |
H.Moseley | Atomic Number | 1687 |
I.Newton | Laws of Gravitation | 1687 |
J.C.Maxwell | Electromagnetic Theory of Light | 1803 |
John Dalton | Atomic Theory | 1808 |
John Dalton | Laws of Multiple proportion | 1809 |
Joseph Gay-Lussac | Laws Governing Gases | 1910 |
Pavlov | Theory of Conditioned Reflex | 1851 |
Kelvin | Dynamite Theory of Heat | 1876 |
Louis Pasteur | Germ Theory | 1901 |
Max Von Planck | Quantum Theory of radiation | 1675 |
O.Romer | Velocity of Light | 1859 |
R.Bunsen & G.Kirchhoff | Spectrum Analysis | 1918 |
Rutherford | Atom Smashing Theory | 1904 |
Sigmund Freud | Theory of Psycho-analysis | 1892 |
Steinmetz | Laws of Alternating Current | 1924 |
L.Victor de Briglie | Wave nature of electron | 1621 |
W.Shell | Laws of Refraction of Light | 1895 |
Rontgen | X-rays | - |
I.Newton | Laws of motion | 1800 |
Volta | Current electricity and electrical battery | 1774 |
Priestley | Oxygen | 1897 |
J.J.Thomson | Electron | 1766 |
Cavendish | Hydrogen | 1841 |
Faraday | Electromagnetic Induction | - |
Faraday | Laws of electrolysis | 1759 |
Benjamin Franklin | Lightning Conductor | - |
Louis Braille | Printing for the blind | 1898 |
Madam Marie Curie | Radium | - |
Funk | Vitamins | 1882 |
Louis Pasteur | Germ theory: Hydrophobia Antitoxin;Anti-rabies treatment | - |
Hahnemann | Homoeopathy | 1932 |
Banting | Insulin (cure of diabetes) | - |
U.N.Brahmachari | Cure of Kala-azar fever | - |
Ronald Ross | Malaria Parasites | 1929 |
Alexander Fleming | Penicillin | 1796 |
Edward Jenner | Small-pox vaccination | 1609 |
Kepler | Laws of planetary motion | 1882 |
Robert Koch | Tuberculosis bacilli | - |
J.Dalton | Law of partial pressures | - |
Otto Hahn | Atom bomb | - |
C.V.Raman | Raman Effect | 1867 |
Joseph Lister | Antiseptic Surgery | - |
Leeuwenhock | Bacteria | 1628 |
Harvey | Blood circulation and functioning of heart | - |
Landsteiner | Blood transfusion | - |
Harrison and Simpson | Chloroform | 1884 |
Robert Koch | Cholera Bacillus | 1897 |
Eijkman | Cause of beriberi | - |
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