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Science Inventions And Discoveries

General Knowledge : Science Inventions And Discoveries
Inventor / Discoveror Invention / Discovery Year
A.Avogadro Molecular Hypothesis 1811
A.Becquerel Principle of Photo-electric Cell 1839
A.Becquerel Radio-activity 1896
A.Binet & T.Simon Intelligence Testing,Modern 1905
A.Einstein Theory of Relativity 1905
A.Lavoisier Nature of Combustion 1777
Archimedes Theory of Displacement of water 3rd century 1859
Charles Darwin Theory of Evolution by Natural by Natural Selection 1896
Charles Darwin Orign of Species 1737-53
C.Linneaus Classification of Plants and Animals 1869
D.Mendeleev Periodic Table 1912
F.Soddy Theory of Isotopes 1590
Galileo Laws of FAlling bodies 1865
G.Mendel Laws of Heredity 1827
G.S.Ohm Ohm's Law 1827
Strassman,Hahn,Bohr,Fermi Uranium Fission Theory 1781
H.Cavendish Synthesis of Water 1886
Heinrich Hertz Electro-magnetic Waves -
H.G.Khorana Genetic Code 1913
H.Moseley Atomic Number 1687
I.Newton Laws of Gravitation 1687
J.C.Maxwell Electromagnetic Theory of Light 1803
John Dalton Atomic Theory 1808
John Dalton Laws of Multiple proportion 1809
Joseph Gay-Lussac Laws Governing Gases 1910
Pavlov Theory of Conditioned Reflex 1851
Kelvin Dynamite Theory of Heat 1876
Louis Pasteur Germ Theory 1901
Max Von Planck Quantum Theory of radiation 1675
O.Romer Velocity of Light 1859
R.Bunsen & G.Kirchhoff Spectrum Analysis 1918
Rutherford Atom Smashing Theory 1904
Sigmund Freud Theory of Psycho-analysis 1892
Steinmetz Laws of Alternating Current 1924
L.Victor de Briglie Wave nature of electron 1621
W.Shell Laws of Refraction of Light 1895
Rontgen X-rays -
I.Newton Laws of motion 1800
Volta Current electricity and electrical battery 1774
Priestley Oxygen 1897
J.J.Thomson Electron 1766
Cavendish Hydrogen 1841
Faraday Electromagnetic Induction -
Faraday Laws of electrolysis 1759
Benjamin Franklin Lightning Conductor -
Louis Braille Printing for the blind 1898
Madam Marie Curie Radium -
Funk Vitamins 1882
Louis Pasteur Germ theory: Hydrophobia Antitoxin;Anti-rabies treatment -
Hahnemann Homoeopathy 1932
Banting Insulin (cure of diabetes) -
U.N.Brahmachari Cure of Kala-azar fever -
Ronald Ross Malaria Parasites 1929
Alexander Fleming Penicillin 1796
Edward Jenner Small-pox vaccination 1609
Kepler Laws of planetary motion 1882
Robert Koch Tuberculosis bacilli -
J.Dalton Law of partial pressures -
Otto Hahn Atom bomb -
C.V.Raman Raman Effect 1867
Joseph Lister Antiseptic Surgery -
Leeuwenhock Bacteria 1628
Harvey Blood circulation and functioning of heart -
Landsteiner Blood transfusion -
Harrison and Simpson Chloroform 1884
Robert Koch Cholera Bacillus 1897
Eijkman Cause of beriberi -


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