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Popular And Famous In Geography

General Knowledge : Popular And Famous In Geography
Biggest and deepest Ocean Pacific Ocean,64186300 sq.miles
Biggest Desert Sahara(N.Africa),3500000 sq.miles
Biggest Waterfall Guaira(Brazil);average annual flow 470000 cu.ft.per sec.
Broadest Strait Mozambique Straits,between Mozambique and Malagasy, maximum breadth, 245 miles
Coldest Regions Verkhoyansk in N.W.Siberia,temperature 94. F below Zero
Deepest Canyon Hell's Canyon (U.S.A.),7900 ft.deep
Deepest Cave Gouffre Bergea(France),3723 ft.deep
Deepest Gorge Hells Canyon,Snake River,7900 ft.deep
Deepest Lake Baikal (Siberia),5315 ft.average depth
Deepest place in the Ocean Off the Island of Mariana Trench,Philippines,36198 ft.
Densest population Monaco,(37687 per Sq.mile)
Highest Capital City La Paz (Bolivia),11916 ft.above sea-level
Highest mountain peak in the world Everest 29028 ft.high*(Nepal)
Highest Mountain System Himalayas
Highest Navigable Lake Titicaca (Peru-Bolivia),12506 ft.above sea level
Highest Plateau Pamir (Tibet)
Highest Rainfall Mt.Waialeale,Hawai Islands,460 inches
Highest Town Wenchuan (Tibet),16732 ft.above sea-level
Highest Village Aucanquiles in Andes,Chile-17500 ft.
Highest Volcano Cotopaxi (Andes,Equador)
Highest Waterfall Angel Falls(Venezuela),3212 ft.
Hottest Regions Noerth-West Sahara Azizia (Libya) 58. C
Largest Archipelago Indonesia,comprising 3000 islands
Largest Artificial Lake Lake Mead of Boulder Dam (U.S.A.)
Largest Atoll Kwajalein,Marshall Islands(Central Pacific)with a 176 miles long coral reef enclosing a lagoon of 1100 Sq.miles
Largest Bay Bay of Bengal,shoreline,2250 miles
Largest Continent Asia,16988000 sq.miles
Largest Country U.S.S.R., 8649550 Sq.miles
Largest Delta Sunderban Delta in West Bengal and Bangladesh,8000 sq.miles
Largest fresh water Lake Superior (31200 Sq.miles)
Largest Gorge Grand Canyon,Colorado River,277 miles long
Largest Gulf Gulf of Mexico,Shoreline,3100 miles
Largest Inland Sea Mediterranean (969100 sq.miles)
Largest Island Greenland,840000 Sq.miles(N.Atlantic)
Largest north-south stretch of land America
Largest Peninsula India
Largest River (in volume) Amazon (Brazil)
Largest River Basin Basin of Amazon,2720000 sq.miles
Largest Salt Water Lake Caspian Sea(U.S.S.R. and Iran),43550 sq.miles
Largest Sea Malaya Sea,314000 Sq.miles
Longest Coral Reef Great Barrier Reef(Australia),1260 miles long
Longest Mountain System Andes,South America,8800 km,
Longest River Nile,4145 miles
Longest Straits Malacca Straits between Malaysia and Sumatra (Indonesia) 485 miles long.
Lowest point on Surface Dead Sea,Israel-Jordan,1312 ft.below sea level
Narrowest Strait Between Greek mainland and the Island of Euboea,narrowest point,45 yds.
Northernmost Town Ny Alesund,Spitsbergen(Norway)
Smallest Continent Australia,2968000 sq.miles
Smallest Country Vatican City, 108.7 acres
Smallest Ocean Arctic ocean,5440197 Sq.miles
Southernmost Town Puerto Williams,Chile
Tallest Active Geyser `Giant' in the Yellowstone National Park (U.S.A.),200 ft high


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