Medical Science Gk
General Knowledge : Medical Science Gk
A break in the continuity of a bone is called a | Fracture |
A condition in which both eyes do not point in the same direction is called as | Squint |
A condition in which one is not able to see both near and distant objects is known as | Pressbyopia |
A condition in which the lung tissue loses its elasticity is known as | Emphysema |
A condition where the lung tissue collapses is known as | Atelectasis |
A condition wherein the pressure within the eyeball is increased above normal is called | Glaucoma |
A device used to regularise irregular heart beats is called | Pace-maker |
A doctor who is a specialist in matters related to the heart and circulatory system is called a | Cardiologist |
A fungus is a | Microscopic plant |
A gynaeclogist specialises in matters related to | Reproductive system |
A hereditary lack of pigment in the skin,hair & eyes is known as | Albinism |
A method of treating cancer or tumor growth using chemicals is known as | Chemotherapy |
A normal pregnancy lasts for about | 40 weeks |
A pregnancy that ends before the 28th week is termed as | Miscarriage |
A progressive weakening of muscles is called | Muscular dystrophy |
A Psychiatrist specialises in matters related to | Mental disorders |
A sudden interruption of the blood supply to the brain can cause a | Stroke |
A swelling of the thyroid gland is known as | Goitre |
Acute conjuctivitis is commonly known as | black eye |
AIDS stands for | Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome |
An area of pus formation within the lung is called | Lung abscess |
An infection of the gums involving margin of the teeth with the gum is known as | Pyorrhoea |
An inflammation of the thin membrance that covers the black part of the eye is called | Conjunctivitis |
Anthrax is caused by | Anthrax bacillus |
BCG is a vaccine given for immunization against the disease | Tuberculosis |
BCG stands for | Bacillus Calmette Guerin |
Biceps are the muscles of the | Arm |
Blood vessels that carry blood from different organs to the heart are known as | Aneries |
Blood vessels that carry blood from different organs to the heart are known as | Veins |
Both convex and concave lens is used to correct the eyesight of a person suffering from | Pressbyopia |
Bronchiectasis is a disease of the which system | Respiratory |
Cholera is caused by | Vibrio choleral bacteria |
Comma shaped bacteria are called | Vibrio |
Contact lenses were invented by | A.E.Fick |
Copper T is a type of device used for | Contraception |
Damage to a nerve is termd as | Meuropathy |
Delivery of more than one baby at a time is called as | Multiple pregnancy |
Dengue fever is also known as | Break-bone fever |
Diptheria is caused by | Klebs-loeffler |
Diseases which spread by contact are called | Contagious diseases |
DPT is a | Triple vaccine |
DPT is effective against | Diphtheria,whooping cough and tetanus |
DPT vaccine is given how many times to children | Three |
Drugs which neutralize secretions of the stomach which cause ulcers and acidity are called | Antacids |
Drugs which produce loss of sensation in a small area where the drug is applied are called | Local anaesthetics |
Drugs which produce total unconsciousness are known as | General anaesthetics |
Drugs which reduce tension,anxiety,depression,etc. are known as | Tranquillizers |
Ears are the sense organs for | Hearing |
Eczema is a disease of the | Skin |
EEG is used to record the activities of the | Brain |
EEG stands for | Electro encephalography |
ELISA technique is used to detect | AIDS |
EMG is used for recording for the activity of the | Muscles during contraction |
EMG stands for | Electromyography |
Eyes are the sense organ for | Sight |
Hay fever is a type of | Allergy |
How many bones an adult human body has | 206 |
How many bones an human baby's body has | 270 |
How many senses a human being has | Five |
In a human baby,teething process starts from the age | Seven months |
In a human body,about how many muscles are there | 650 |
In medical terminology,ENT stands for | Ear,nose and throat |
Inflammation of the pancreas is called | Pancreatitis |
Insulin deficiency causes | Diabetes |
Insulin is also known as | Anti-diabetic hormone |
Leukemia is a disease of the | Blood |
Leukemia is commonly known as | Blood Cancer |
Long sightdness is also known as | Hypermetropia |
Long sightdness is corrected by using | Convex lens |
LSD stands for | Lysergic acid Di-ethylamide |
Malaria is transmitted by | Anopheles mosquito |
Medical practioners without valid licence are called | Quacks |
Meningitis is an infection of | Head and spinal cord |
Meningitis is caused by | Neisseria meningitis |
Muscles of the heart are called | Cardiac muscles |
NMR stands for | Nuclear Magnetic Resonance |
Nose is the sense organ for | Smell |
Over exposure to sun cause | Sun burn |
Persons who are having blood group AB positive are called | Universal recipients |
Persons who are having blood group O positive are called | Universal donors |
Plague is caused by bacteria which is found in | Fleas on the bodies of rats |
Plague was also known as | Black death |
Pnemonia is an infection of the | Lungs |
Polio vaccine was invented by | Jonas Salk |
Psoraisis is an inherited disease of | Skin,nails and joints |
Pus formation in the lung is called | Lung abscess |
Q fever was first noticed in | Queensland |
Red cells of blood contain | Haemoglobin |
Rod shaped bacteria are called | Bacillus |
Scarlet fever is caused by | Strepto coccus |
Sex is predicted before the birth of the child by a test called | Amnio centesis |
Short sightdness is | Concave lens |
Short sightdness is also known as | Myopia |
Skin is the sense organ for | Touch |
Spherical shaped bacteria are called | coccus |
Spiral shaped bacteria are called | Spirillium |
Substances that cause allergy are called | Allergens |
Teeth are covered by a hard substance called | Enamel |
Tetanus is also known as | Lockjaw disease |
Tetanus is caused by | Clostridium tetane |
The ability of a living creature to resist the attack of diseases is known as | Immunity |
The colour of the skin is dependant upon a pigment called | Melanin |
The device which improves one's hearing is called | Hearing aid |
The first antibiotic discovered by | Penicillin |
The formation of a blood clot within a blood vessel is called | Thrombosis |
The inner layer of the skin is called | Dermis |
The main artery of the body is the | Arota |
The number of teeth in a normal human being are | 32 |
The outer layer of the skin is called | Epidermis |
The sex hormone of the male is | Androgen |
The sex hormones of the females are | Estrogen and progesterone |
The size of a virus is about | A millionth of a centimeter |
The sterilization technique carried out on men is | Vasectomy |
The x-ray visualisation of a joint is known as | Arthrography |
There are how many types of Malaria | Three |
Tissue taken from the patient while operation is going on is called | Frozen section |
Tongue is the sense organ for | Taste |
Typhoid fever is caused by | Salmonella typhi bacteria |
Typhoid vaccine was invented by | Almorth Writht |
Vaccination was invented by | Edward Jenner |
Vaccine against polio is called | Poliomyelitis vaccine |
Vaccine is a liquid containing | Dilute or dead pathogens |
Whooping cough is caused by | Bordella pertussis |
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