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Indian History And Culture Gk 4

General Knowledge : Indian History And Culture Gk 4
Timur invaded India in the year 1398 AD
Timur or Tamerlane, a central Asian Turk (and an ancestor of Babur) invaded India and ransacked Delhi. Who was the ruler of Delhi at that time? Sultan Mahmud Shah.
Timur was the ruler of Samarkhand,Central Asia
Tipu Sultan was born in 1750 AD
To which Age does the Indus Valley Civilisation belong? The Bronze Age. Iron was not known to them.
To which country did Subhas Chandra Bose escape to carry on the Freedom Struggle? Germany. He escaped from Calcutta (Kolkata) and travelled through Peshawar, reaching Kabul via Jalalabad. From there he went to Russia (with an Italian passport) and then to Berlin from Moscow.
To which deity was the temple of Somnath dedicated? Shiva.
To which dynasty did Gautamiputra Shatakarni belong? Shatavahanas.
To which dynasty did Kanishka belong? The Kushana dynasty
To which party did Chandrashekar Azad belong? Hindustan Socialist Republican Association.
To whom did Akbar assign the task to translate the Bible (Gospel) into Persian? AbulFazl.
To whom is Angkor Vat dedicated? Vishnu.
Two popular assemblies used to control the affairs of the Vedic kingdoms. Name them. Sabha: - Body of the elders. Constituted of Brahmins and rich patrons., Samiti: - An assembly of common people. Meant for the discharge of administration.
Under which guru did the Sikhs become a united political power? Guru Gobind Singh.
Under whose rule did Magadha first attain prominence? Bimbisara. According to Ashwaghosha, Bimbisara belonged to the Haryanka dynasty.
Vijayanagar kingdom was situated on the banks of river Tungabhadra
Vijayasthamba is located at Chittoor Fort
Vijaynagar Empire was founded by Harihara and Bukka
Vishwambhara (Nimai) was responsible for the revival of Vaishnavism in Bengal. What was the name by which we know him? Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.
We know of two successive dynasties of the Kushanas. Who founded them? The first dynasty was founded by Kadphises I and the second by Kanishka.
Wellesley started the policy of Subsidiary Alliance
What are Abhangs? Who composed them? Abhang literally means unbroken. Unbroken rhymes were referred to as Abhangs. Tukaram is best known for his Abhangs. Many saints that came after him also composed Abhangs.
What are the Vedangas? The limbs of the Vedas. It was necessary to learn the Vedanga to understand the Vedas. The Vedangas were : a) Shiksha (phonetics), b) Kalpa (rituals), c) Vyakarana, d) Nirukta (etymology), e) Chhanda (metrics), f) Jyotisha (astronomy)
What articles of trade was the kingdom of Golconda known for? Diamonds and textiles.
What did Akbar divide his empire into? Suba. Each Suba was under a governor called Subedar.
What did India import from China (during the medieval period)? Porcelain, raw silk.
What did Mahatma Gandhi describe as a post-dated cheque? The Cripps offer of Independence.
What did Shivaji say when he got the news of the capture of Kondana? "Gadh aala pun Sinha gela" - We got the fort but lost the lion (referring to Tanaji Malsure).
What did Swami Dayananda Saraswati regard as infallible? The Vedas. He considered them to be the fountain of knowledge.
What did the Charter Act of 1833 achieve? It divested the East India Company of its commercial functions.
What did the East India Company acquire as its zamindari in 1698? The zamindari of Sutanati, Kalikata and Govindpur.
What does the term Bhagavata relate to? CC.
What does the term 'dwija' mean? 'Dwija' describes those who wear the sacred thread after Upanayanam. Literally 'Dwija' means twice-born.
What does the word 'Sangam' refer to in Tamil History? It is the literary assembly of Tamil scholars held at Madurai under the patronage of the Pandyan Kings.
What form of worship did Chaitanya Mahaprabhu popularise? Kirtans.
What gift did Humayun offer Babur after Babur arrived in Agra following the first Battle of Panipat? The Koh-i-nur.
What help did Balaji Vishwanath render the Sayyid brothers? He marched to Delhi and helped them overthrow the Mughal Emperor Farrukh Siyar. (1719).
What infamous event occurred on April 13, 1919? The Jallianwala Baug massacre.
What is a Stupa? It is a kind of tomb where the relics of Buddha or other Buddhist monks are kept.
What is common to the following: Kumarasambhava, Ritusamhara, Raghuvamsham and Meghdootam? They are all works of Kalidasa.
What is contained in the Sutta Pitaka? Sutta Pitaka incorporates the greatest literary works of Buddhism. Of the five collections, the first four consist of discourses of Buddha.
What is Jnaneshwari? The free rendering of the Gita in Marathi, along with elucidation.
What is Stridhana? It is the exclusive property of a married lady, something she often inherits from her mother.
What is the birthplace of Shankaracharya? Kaladi. Shankaracharya was a famous exponent of the Advaita philosophy. Advaita literally means not two. Advaita believes in an eternal being and holds that the plurality is nothing but illusion.
What is the 'Dharmachakrapravartana'? The preaching of the first sermon by Buddha.
What is the Gandhara art also known as? Indo-Greek. The Gandhara sculptures drew their inspiration from the Hellenic (Greek) art of Asia Minor.
What is the importance of the Khyber and Bolan passes in Indian history? The land route between India and West Asia lies through these passes.
What is the literal meaning of Mohenjodaro? Mound of the dead.
What is the meaning of the word "Satyagraha"? Satyagraha consists of two words : Satya (truth) and agraha (insistence). The term was coined by Mahatma Gandhi.
What is the Milinda Panha? It is a book, which records the conversation between Nagarjuna and Menander. Milinda Panha literally means Questions by Milinda.
What is the modern name for the ancient city of Purushapura? Peshawar.
What is the region of Kamrup known in modern India? Assam.
What is Theravada in the context of Buddhism? It is a major form of Buddhism prevalent in Sri Lanka, Burma, Cambodia, Laos and Thailand.
What prompted Jahangir to allow the English to set up a factory in Surat? The British defeated the Portuguese naval squadrons. Jahangir wanted to use the English as a counter against the growing Portuguese power.
What religion did Harsha follow during his early years? He was a devotee of Shiva.
What religion did Kharavela patronise? Jainism.
What role did the Chapekar brothers play in the Freedom struggle? Damodar Chapekar along with his two brothers, Vasudev and Balakrishna, fired at Rand and then disappeared in the dark. They were arrested later and were hanged.
What script did Ashoka use in the inscriptions of the Northwest of India? Kharoshti script.
What theme does Vishakhadatta's play, Mudrarakshasa, deal with? The strategies adopted by Chanakya against the enemies of Chandragupta Maurya.
What title did Alauddin Hasan adopt at his coronation? Alauddin Hasan Bahman Shah. He is supposed to have adopted the name Bahman Shah as a mark of respect for a Brahmin in whose service he had risen to greatness.
What title did Himu adopt after he occupied Agra and Delhi by defeating its Mughal governor? Raja Vikramaditya
What was a Buddhist monastery known as? Vihara.
What was interesting about Jawaharlal Nehru taking over the Presidentship of the Indian National Congress at the Lahore session of 1929? He succeeded his father Motilal Nehru.
What was Shivaji's council of ministers known as? The Ashla Pradhan Mandal.
What was Sumatra called as, in ancient times? Suvarnadvipa.
What was the act that led to the martyrdom of Guru Arjan? Khusrav, the son of Jehangir rebelled unsuccessfully against his father. When Khusrav was fleeing the Mughal forces, he was honourably received by Guru Arjan and provided with some money. This was perceived by Jehangir as an act of treason and ultimately led to the Guru's martyrdom.
What was the Act which granted partial autonomy to the Provinces? Government of India Act of 1935.
What was the basis of barter for common articles during the Vedic period? Paddy.
What was the basis of the town planning of the people of the Indus Valley Civilisation? It was the Grid System. In the format that they used all roads cut across each other almost at right angles. This led to the city being divided into blocks.
What was the Buddhist temple known as? Chaitya.
What was the capital of the Bahmani kingdom? Gulbarga.
What was the capital of the kingdom of the Gonds? Chandrapur. Durgavati was the queen of the Gonds who fought bravely with the Mughal forces sent by Akbar.
What was the capital of the Rajput Kingdom of Mewar? Chitor.
What was the Chauri Chaura incident? A crowd angered by police firing set Fire to a police station killing many policemen.
What was the chief reason for the difference between Hindustani and Camatic music? The introduction of Persian scales in Hindustani music led to the difference.
What was the complaint of Pliny the elder, against India? He complained that India drained Roman wealth by selling luxury articles at high prices to Romans
What was the contribution of the Greeks to Indian theatre techniques? The use of curtain was borrowed from the Greeks. The curtain was called "Yavanika".
What was the Doctrine of Lapse? When the ruler of a protected state died without a natural heir, the adopted heir would not be able to succeed him. In such a case the state would be annexed by the British. The only exception would be if the British authorities approved of the adoption before hand.
What was the image on the royal seal of the Guptas? Garuda.
What was the immediate cause of the revolt? The introduction of the New Enfield Rifle whose cartridges were believed to be greased with the fat of cows and pigs. Both Hindus and Muslims resented this.
What was the impact of the Chauri Chaura incident on the Freedom struggle? Gandhiji suspended the struggle because he felt people had yet to understand the concept of non-violence.
What was the intoxicating drink that was consumed by the Rig Vedic Aryans during religious ceremonies? Soma.
What was the Khilafat movement? The Sultan of Turkey, who was the Caliph, was deposed after World War I. The Khilafat Movement was launched in India to defend the prestige of the Caliph.
What was the Komagata Maru episode? The Komagata Maru was a Japanese vessel that was hired to take a large number of Punjabis to Canada. The passengers were not allowed to disembark and they therefore made their way back to India. The Komagata Maru on return, docked at Budge-Budge near Calcutta. The British ordered the passengers to go to Punjab in a special train. Those who wanted to go to Calcutta refused to do so and were fired upon, leaving eighteen dead and twenty nine not being accounted for.
What was the Kuka movement? The Kuka movement began as a religious movement. Its aim was to purify die Sikh religion by removing superstitions mat had crept into it. After the conquest of the Punjab by the British, the revival of the Sikh sovereignty became its chief aim.
What was the language used by the people of the Indus Valley Civilization? Historians have as yet not been able to determine the language used by the people of the Indus Valley Civilization. The script used by the people of the Indus Valley Civilization has also not been deciphered.
What was the most important difference between the British and other conquerors of India? Previous invaders became an integral part of India, whereas the British always maintained their own identity.
What was the most important public place in Mohenjodaro? It was the Great Bath. It was probably used for ritual bathing.
What was the name assumed by Farid when he ascended the throne? Sher Shah.
What was the name of Babur's memoirs? Tizuk-I-Baburi.
What was the name of Harsha's sister? Rajyashri
What was the name of RanaPratap's horse? Chetak.
What was the name of the dynasty that succeeded Mauryan dynasty? The Shunga dynasty. (Pushyamitra founded this dynasty after he overthrew the Mauryan ruler)
What was the name of the famous tract of land that lay between the Saraswati and the Drishadvati? Kurukshetra.
What was the name of the son of King of Takshashila who offered Alexander help in invading India? Ambhi. This was the first recorded instance of an Indian King turning traitor.
What was the name the Greeks used to refer to Ambhi? Omphis.
What was the new mode of warfare introduced by Babur in India? Extensive use of gunpowder. Though gunpowder was known in India, it was not used as skilfully and in combination with cavalry as Babur did.
What was the occupation of Himu (also spelt Hemu) before he rose to prominence in politics? He was a grocer.
What was the original name of Raja Birbal? MaheshDas.
What was the original name of the town Daulatabad? Deogiri (Devgiri).


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