General Science Gk 7
General Knowledge : General Science Gk 7
Which is the fastest moving land snake? | The Black Mamba, which has a speed of about 11 km per hour. |
Which is the hardest substance in the human body? | The enamel that covers teeth. |
Which is the hottest planet? | Venus |
Which is the juice secreted in die liver which helps digestion? | Bile. |
Which is the largest and heaviest snake in the world? | The anaconda. It weighs upto 200 kg. |
Which is the largest animal on land? | African Elephant. |
Which is the largest flesh-eating animal? | Kodiak bear. |
Which is the largest living bird? | Ostrich. |
Which is the longest poisonous snake in die world? | King Cobra |
Which is the most abundant metal in the earth's crust? | Aluminium. |
Which is the most destructive insect in the world? | Desert Locust. |
Which is the only common metal that is liquid at room temperature? | Mercury |
Which is the second largest planet in our Solar System? | Saturn. |
Which is the second most common element on the | Silicon. |
Which is the star closest to our earth, after the sun? | ProximaCentauri. |
Which material is used to make cellophane? | Cellulose, the chemical substance that lines the walls of plant cells. Cellophane is used in packaging. |
Which metal is also called quicksilver? | Mercury. |
Which organs are most damaged when a person consumes much liquor? | Liver and stomach. |
Which organs in the human body filter waste products from the blood? | Kidneys. |
Which part of the plant do you eat when you eat carrots? | Roots. |
Which planet has a moon named Titan? | Saturn. |
Which planet in the solar system moves faster around the sun than any other planet? | Mercury. |
Which planet is known as the red planet? | Mars. |
Which planet is the closest to the Sun? | Mercury |
Which planet rotates the most slowly on its axis? | Venus |
Which present day animals are said to be direct descendants of dinosaurs? | Komodo dragon and Crocodile. |
Which Psychologist devised the IQ test? | Alfred Binet. |
Which Vitamin helps in preventing rickets? | Vitamin-D. |
Which Vitamin helps in preventing rickets? | Vitamin D. |
Which Vitamin is important for the health of bones? | Vitamin D. |
Which vitamins are soluble in water? | Vitamins of the B and C group. |
Which was the first living being to enter space? | A dog named Laika. |
Which was the first satellite India launched from Indian soil using an Indian launch vehicle, SLV3? | Rohini Satellite (RSI). |
Which was the first satellite launched by India? | Aryabhata, in 1975. |
Which was the first spaceship launched by man? | Sputnik-I, launched by the Russians |
Which were the first passengers to fly in a balloon? | A sheep, a cock & a duck. |
Who coined the word Vitamin? | CasimirFunk. |
Who conducted the first controlled fission reaction (that led to the making of the atom bomb)? | Enrico Fermi. |
Who developed the modem concept of the element? | Antoine Lavoisier. |
Who discovered Calcium? | Sir Humphry Davy. |
Who discovered Penicillin? | Alexander Fleming |
Who discovered Plutonium? | Glenn Seaborg. |
Who discovered radioactivity? | A.M. Becquerel. |
Who discovered Radium? | Pierre and Marie Curie. |
Who discovered the cause of malaria? | Ronald Ross. |
Who discovered the circulation of blood in the human body? | William Harvey, in 1628. People did not believe in what Harvey said and they opposed his ideas. It took many years for the opposition to die down. |
Who discovered the connection between magnetism and electricity? | Hans Christian Oersted. |
Who discovered the germ, which causes tuberculosis? | Robert Koch, a famous German physician. |
Who discovered the Laws of Motion? | Sir Isaac Newton, |
Who discovered the laws of planetary motion? | Johannes Kepler - Sir Isaac Newton later used these laws as the basis of his law of Universal Gravitation. |
Who discovered the Planet Uranus? | Sir William Herschel. |
Who discovered the planet Uranus? | William Herschel. |
Who discovered the presence of neutrons in the nucleus of elements? | Physicist James Chadwick. |
Who discovered Vitamins? | Christopher Eijkman - though he did not use the word, vitamin. |
Who first discovered that water was produced by burning hydrogen? | Henry Cavendish. |
Who first enunciated the laws of heredity? | Gregor Johann Mendel |
Who first introduced the concept of molecules? | Amedeo Avogadro in the year 1811. |
Who first introduced vaccination in medical practice? | Edward Jenner. |
Who first isolated Sodium? | Sir Humphry Davy. |
Who first propounded the theory of Evolution of Man? | Charles Darwin. |
Who first proved that lightning is an electric charge coming down to the earth? | Benjamin Franklin. |
Who first put forward the Atomic Theory that all matter is made of atoms, held together by some force of attraction? | John Dalton. |
Who first saw mountains and craters on the moon using a telescope? | Galileo Galilei |
Who first used electrolysis for isolating elements? | Sir Humphry Davy. |
Who for the first time in recorded history used a prism to split white light into many colours? | Sir Isaac Newton. |
Who found out that oxygen is present in both water and air? | Antoine Lavoisier. |
Who founded the school of mathematics at Alexandria in Egypt? | The Greek mathematician Euclid around 300 B.C. |
Who gave the name rubber to the gum of the Hevea tree? | Joseph Priestley. Because the gum could rub oui pencil marks. |
Who invented Television? | John Logic Baird. |
Who invented the aeroplane heavier than an air machine that could fly? | Orville and Wilbur Wright. |
Who invented the Barometer? | Evangelista Torricelli. |
Who invented the Battery? | Alessandro Volta. |
Who invented the calculator? | Blaise Pascal. |
Who invented the diesel engine? | Rudolf Diesel. |
Who invented the dynamo? | Michael Faraday. |
Who invented the Dynamo? | Michael Faraday. |
Who invented the four-stroke Motorcar engine? | Nikolaus Otto. |
Who invented the Gramophone? | Thomas Alva Edison |
Who invented the Hovercraft? | Christopher Cockerell. |
Who invented the lightning rod to help prevent lightning from damaging buildings and physical property? | Benjamin Franklin of USA. |
Who invented the military tank? | Ernest Swinton of Britain. |
Who invented the miner's safety camp? | Sir Humphry Davy. |
Who invented the modern lift? | Elisha Otis. |
Who invented the printing machine? | Johan Gutenburg. |
Who invented the Radio? | G. Marconi (Jagadis Chandra Bose has also been credited with this discovery but his claim has not been recognised). |
Who invented the Radio? | G. Marconi. |
Who invented the rigid airship? | Ferdinand Von Zeppelin. |
Who invented the sewing machine? | EliasHoweofUSAin 1845. |
Who invented the stethoscope? | Laennec. |
Who invented the Telegraph? | Samuel Morse. |
Who invented the telephone? | Alexander Graham Bell. He was, however, interested in constructing an electrical device that would help deaf-mutes learn to speak. |
Who invented the telescope? | Hans Lippershey. |
Who invented the Thermos Flask? | James Dewar. |
Who is considered as the father of modern Medicine? | Hippocrates. |
Who is considered as the father of modern rocketry? | Robert Mulchings and Goddard Hutchings. |
Who is considered the father of plastic surgery in ancient India? | Sushruta. He is best known for the operations he performed called rhinoplasty (remodelling of the nose). |
Who is considered to be the father of Geometry? | Euclid. |
Who is considered to be the father of modern astronomy? | Copernicus. |
Who is considered to be the father of modern experimental science? | Galileo Galilei. |
Who is known as the father of computers? | Charles Babbage. |
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