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General Science Gk 7

General Knowledge : General Science Gk 7
Which is the fastest moving land snake? The Black Mamba, which has a speed of about 11 km per hour.
Which is the hardest substance in the human body? The enamel that covers teeth.
Which is the hottest planet? Venus
Which is the juice secreted in die liver which helps digestion? Bile.
Which is the largest and heaviest snake in the world? The anaconda. It weighs upto 200 kg.
Which is the largest animal on land? African Elephant.
Which is the largest flesh-eating animal? Kodiak bear.
Which is the largest living bird? Ostrich.
Which is the longest poisonous snake in die world? King Cobra
Which is the most abundant metal in the earth's crust? Aluminium.
Which is the most destructive insect in the world? Desert Locust.
Which is the only common metal that is liquid at room temperature? Mercury
Which is the second largest planet in our Solar System? Saturn.
Which is the second most common element on the Silicon.
Which is the star closest to our earth, after the sun? ProximaCentauri.
Which material is used to make cellophane? Cellulose, the chemical substance that lines the walls of plant cells. Cellophane is used in packaging.
Which metal is also called quicksilver? Mercury.
Which organs are most damaged when a person consumes much liquor? Liver and stomach.
Which organs in the human body filter waste products from the blood? Kidneys.
Which part of the plant do you eat when you eat carrots? Roots.
Which planet has a moon named Titan? Saturn.
Which planet in the solar system moves faster around the sun than any other planet? Mercury.
Which planet is known as the red planet? Mars.
Which planet is the closest to the Sun? Mercury
Which planet rotates the most slowly on its axis? Venus
Which present day animals are said to be direct descendants of dinosaurs? Komodo dragon and Crocodile.
Which Psychologist devised the IQ test? Alfred Binet.
Which Vitamin helps in preventing rickets? Vitamin-D.
Which Vitamin helps in preventing rickets? Vitamin D.
Which Vitamin is important for the health of bones? Vitamin D.
Which vitamins are soluble in water? Vitamins of the B and C group.
Which was the first living being to enter space? A dog named Laika.
Which was the first satellite India launched from Indian soil using an Indian launch vehicle, SLV3? Rohini Satellite (RSI).
Which was the first satellite launched by India? Aryabhata, in 1975.
Which was the first spaceship launched by man? Sputnik-I, launched by the Russians
Which were the first passengers to fly in a balloon? A sheep, a cock & a duck.
Who coined the word Vitamin? CasimirFunk.
Who conducted the first controlled fission reaction (that led to the making of the atom bomb)? Enrico Fermi.
Who developed the modem concept of the element? Antoine Lavoisier.
Who discovered Calcium? Sir Humphry Davy.
Who discovered Penicillin? Alexander Fleming
Who discovered Plutonium? Glenn Seaborg.
Who discovered radioactivity? A.M. Becquerel.
Who discovered Radium? Pierre and Marie Curie.
Who discovered the cause of malaria? Ronald Ross.
Who discovered the circulation of blood in the human body? William Harvey, in 1628. People did not believe in what Harvey said and they opposed his ideas. It took many years for the opposition to die down.
Who discovered the connection between magnetism and electricity? Hans Christian Oersted.
Who discovered the germ, which causes tuberculosis? Robert Koch, a famous German physician.
Who discovered the Laws of Motion? Sir Isaac Newton,
Who discovered the laws of planetary motion? Johannes Kepler - Sir Isaac Newton later used these laws as the basis of his law of Universal Gravitation.
Who discovered the Planet Uranus? Sir William Herschel.
Who discovered the planet Uranus? William Herschel.
Who discovered the presence of neutrons in the nucleus of elements? Physicist James Chadwick.
Who discovered Vitamins? Christopher Eijkman - though he did not use the word, vitamin.
Who first discovered that water was produced by burning hydrogen? Henry Cavendish.
Who first enunciated the laws of heredity? Gregor Johann Mendel
Who first introduced the concept of molecules? Amedeo Avogadro in the year 1811.
Who first introduced vaccination in medical practice? Edward Jenner.
Who first isolated Sodium? Sir Humphry Davy.
Who first propounded the theory of Evolution of Man? Charles Darwin.
Who first proved that lightning is an electric charge coming down to the earth? Benjamin Franklin.
Who first put forward the Atomic Theory that all matter is made of atoms, held together by some force of attraction? John Dalton.
Who first saw mountains and craters on the moon using a telescope? Galileo Galilei
Who first used electrolysis for isolating elements? Sir Humphry Davy.
Who for the first time in recorded history used a prism to split white light into many colours? Sir Isaac Newton.
Who found out that oxygen is present in both water and air? Antoine Lavoisier.
Who founded the school of mathematics at Alexandria in Egypt? The Greek mathematician Euclid around 300 B.C.
Who gave the name rubber to the gum of the Hevea tree? Joseph Priestley. Because the gum could rub oui pencil marks.
Who invented Television? John Logic Baird.
Who invented the aeroplane heavier than an air machine that could fly? Orville and Wilbur Wright.
Who invented the Barometer? Evangelista Torricelli.
Who invented the Battery? Alessandro Volta.
Who invented the calculator? Blaise Pascal.
Who invented the diesel engine? Rudolf Diesel.
Who invented the dynamo? Michael Faraday.
Who invented the Dynamo? Michael Faraday.
Who invented the four-stroke Motorcar engine? Nikolaus Otto.
Who invented the Gramophone? Thomas Alva Edison
Who invented the Hovercraft? Christopher Cockerell.
Who invented the lightning rod to help prevent lightning from damaging buildings and physical property? Benjamin Franklin of USA.
Who invented the military tank? Ernest Swinton of Britain.
Who invented the miner's safety camp? Sir Humphry Davy.
Who invented the modern lift? Elisha Otis.
Who invented the printing machine? Johan Gutenburg.
Who invented the Radio? G. Marconi (Jagadis Chandra Bose has also been credited with this discovery but his claim has not been recognised).
Who invented the Radio? G. Marconi.
Who invented the rigid airship? Ferdinand Von Zeppelin.
Who invented the sewing machine? EliasHoweofUSAin 1845.
Who invented the stethoscope? Laennec.
Who invented the Telegraph? Samuel Morse.
Who invented the telephone? Alexander Graham Bell. He was, however, interested in constructing an electrical device that would help deaf-mutes learn to speak.
Who invented the telescope? Hans Lippershey.
Who invented the Thermos Flask? James Dewar.
Who is considered as the father of modern Medicine? Hippocrates.
Who is considered as the father of modern rocketry? Robert Mulchings and Goddard Hutchings.
Who is considered the father of plastic surgery in ancient India? Sushruta. He is best known for the operations he performed called rhinoplasty (remodelling of the nose).
Who is considered to be the father of Geometry? Euclid.
Who is considered to be the father of modern astronomy? Copernicus.
Who is considered to be the father of modern experimental science? Galileo Galilei.
Who is known as the father of computers? Charles Babbage.


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