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General Science Gk 6

General Knowledge : General Science Gk 6
What is the difference between Toads and Frogs? Toads have a dry warty skin while frogs have a smooth moist skin.
What is the disease that causes dogs to turn mad? Rabies.
What is the distance between the earth and the sun? About 150 million kilometres.
What is the enzyme in human saliva? Mainly Amylase, which converts starches anc glycogen into the sugar maltose. Apart from saliva amylases are found in pancreatic juices and intestinal juices too.
What is the fluid part of the blood called? Plasma. It is about 90% water.
What is the form in which iron is found in nature? Iron Oxide.
What is the green colour of the leaf due to? Chlorophyll.
What is the human body made up of, according to Hippocrates? Blood, phlegm, yellow bile and black bile.
What is the Indian name for the planet Mercury? Budha.
What is the juice of the rubber plant called? Latex
What is the lead of a pencil made of? Graphite, whose main constituent is carbon
What is the main food of a Koala bear? Eucalyptus leaves.
What is the major element a star is made of? Hydrogen
What is the meaning of geothermal energy? The heat produced witiiin the crust and upper mantle of the earth, primarily by decay of radioactive elements.
What is the meaning of the pecking order? Pecking order is an example of hierarchy among animals, particularly hens. In a coup containing hens and cocks, the seniormost cock can peck at all the other hens and cocks in the coup. A hen can peck at others weaker than it, but must permit pecking by senior members in the hierarchy.
What is the meaning of the word "DINOSAUR"? Terrible lizard.
What is the meaning of the word Hippopotamus? River Horse.
What is the meaning of the word 'Protozoa' ? Protozoa means the first animal. They are the simplest form of life. They are made of a single cell.
What is the meaning of the word Tanning'? Converting raw animal skin into leather.
What is the microscopic study of plant and animal tissue called? Histology.
What is the name for power generated from water? Hydroelectricity.
What is the name for the position of the moon, an earth satellite, when it is at the greatest distance from the earth? Apogee.
What is the name for the unit of electric power? Watt.
What is the name of our galaxy? Milky Way.
What is the name of the bacteria that converts milk into curd? Lactobacillus.
What is the name of the gland that produces tears? Lachrymal Gland.
What is the name of the instrument that records heart beat? Cardiograph.
What is the name of the layer in the atmosphere of the earth that protects the earth from harmful radiation? The ozone layer.
What is the name of the radiation that comes from outer space? Cosmic Rays.
What is the nest of a penguin made of? Pebbles.
What is the only food of the giant pandas in the wild? Bamboo shoots and leaves.
What is the origin of the word 'Malaria' ? Romans were familiar with this disease. They thought it is caused by bad (mal) air (aria).
What is the principal enzyme in the gastric juice? Pepsin.
What is the Pythagoras theorem? The theorem states that the square of the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides.
What is the scientific name for man? Homo Sapien.
What is the scientific name for Vitamin C ? Ascorbic Acid.
What is the scientific study of insects called? Entomology.
What is the scientific study of the earth's crust known as? Geology.
What is the source of all energy on earth? The sun.
What is the study of birds called? Ornithology.
What is the study of prehistoric animal and plant life through the analysis of fossils called? Palaeontology.
What is the study of sound called? Acoustics.
What is the study of water with reference to its occurrence in nature known as? Hydrology.
What is the study of weather and climate called? Meteorology.
What is the tendency of plants to grow towards sunlight called? Phototropism.
What is the term used to describe the remains of forests where the trees have been submerged or buried and the tree tissues have been replaced gradually by minerals such as silica or calcite? Petrified Forest.
What is the thin flap of cartilage attached to the base of the tongue of terrestrial vertebrates called? Epiglottis.
What is the transparent portion in front of the eyeball called? Cornea.
What is the unit used for measuring work or energy? Foot-pound. Thus if an object weighing one pound were lifted through a distance of a foot, one footpound of work would be done.
What is the use of the ozone layer in the earth's atmosphere? It bounces off ultraviolet radiation.
What is the vaccination given to prevent polio? Salk Vaccine. It was discovered by Jonas Edward Salk in 1952. The theory behind the Salk Vaccine is that a virus that has been killed cannot infect or multiply, but it can still produce antibodies against that particular virus. The vaccine was tested first on monkeys and eventually on children, including Dr. Safk's three children, before it was released for nationwide distribution.
What is ultrasound? Human beings cannot hear sound waves which have frequencies above 20,000 vibrations per second. This is termed ultrasound.
What is vulcanisation of rubber? The process of hardening rubber by adding sulphur and heating the mixture is vulcanisation. Vulcanisation was discovered by Charles Goodyear. Raw rubber is sticky. It hardens when the temperature is low and softens when it is high. Charles Goodyear discovered that by combining raw rubber with sulphur and by heating it, the rubber becomes stronger and elastic and also resistant to solvents. Today almost all rubber, whether natural or synthetic is vulcanized.
What keeps the sun so hot? A reaction similar to that of a hydrogen bomb takes place continuously in the sun. Two atoms of hydrogen fuse at high temperatures to form an atom of helium. Immense heat is released in this reaction.
What kind of leaves do silkworms thrive on? Mulberry leaves.
What kind of nests do owls build? They don't build nests. They use hollows in trees for laying eggs.
What method of healing is also known as shiatsu? Acupressure.
What was called Penny-farthing? The cycle whose front wheel was much larger than the rear wheel. It was invented by James Starley. It was derisively named penny-farthing after the largest and smallest English copper coins of the period.
What was Chandrasekhar Subrahmanyan known for? Indian-born American theoretical astrophysicist and Nobel laureate, Chandrasekhar Subrahmanyan contributed greatly to our understanding of the evolution of stars. Chandrasekhar was best known for his theoretical prediction, made at the age of 20, that large stars would collapse at the end of their lives into some unknown state even more dense than that of a white dwarf.
What was special about the telescope invented by Newton? The telescope devised by Galileo was a refracting telescope. The refracting telescope uses a large convex lens as the objective to focus light and form a real image. Another lens is used to magnify it. The reflecting telescope uses a large parabolic or concave mirror instead of the objective lens to focus light and form a real image. The images produced by these telescopes are inverted. An additional lens is used to right the image.
What was the name of the first Atomic Reactor built by India? Where is it? Apsara, in Mumbai.
What was the name of the instrument used by Jagadis Chandra Bose to measure sensitivity of plants? Crescograph.
What was the theory of the atom put forward by Rutherford? Rutherford put forward the theory that every atom consists of a tiny nucleus with a positive charge, surrounded by electrons. The electrons are far apart from the nucleus and from one another.
What were the first words to be recorded on the gramophone made by Edison? "Mary had a little lamb."
When a fire is caused by an electric short circuit, why must you not throw water? If you throw water on a fire caused due to short circuit, you may be electrocuted because water is a good conductor of electricity.
When did Marie Curie win the Nobel Prize? In 1903 for physics and in 1911 for chemistry.
When faced with danger what does a Pangolin do? It rolls into a ball.
When was the metric system introduced? During the French revolution, France introduced the metric system. The standard of length was related to the dimensions of the earth rather than the dimensions of a human limb.
When we run very fast or work strenuously, we feel tired. What is this tiredness due to? Lactic Acid is formed when the glycogen or sugar in the muscles is used. This makes us feel tired.
Where are the lobster's teeth located? In the stomach.
Where are the vocal cords located in man? The vocal chords are located in the larynx. The larynx is a hollow muscular organ forming an air passage to the lungs.
Where do frogs lay their eggs? All frogs go back to water to lay their eggs.
Where do frogs usually live in the hot season? Buried at the bottom of ponds.
Where do platypuses live? In burrows near water.
Where do sea plants obtain carbon dioxide to manufacture their food? From dissolved gases
Where does a female butterfly lay its eggs? Under side of leaves.
Where does light fall inside the eye? Retina.
Where does the impure blood enter the human heart? It enters the cavity of the right auricle through two veins - one called the superior vena cava enters from the head region and die other called the inferior vena cava enters from the lower or posterior region of the body.
Where in India do the migratory cranes of Siberia settle down? The Rann of Kutch.
Where in the world are wooly Mammoths found? They are extinct and are not found anywhere. But about a million years ago, they roamed over land They were the ancestors of modern elephants.
Where is the entrance to a baya's nest? At the bottom of the nest.
Where is the pituitary gland situated in the body? In the brain on its underside.
Where would you find a dodo? Nowhere. It was last reported in Mauritius in 1681. Now it is extinct.
Which animal has the longest life span? Tortoise.
Which animal shoots its quill and hurts the enemy? Porcupine.
Which are the distinct layers of the skin? Dermis and Epidermis.
Which are the main gases in the atmosphere of the earth? Nitrogen and oxygen.
Which are the only mammals that can see colours? Man and monkey (apes). It is commonly believed that bulls react violently when they see a red rag. Bulls just cannot see any colour. They react to the teasing movement of the rag.
Which are the only planets to revolve clockwise around the sun? Venus and Uranus.
Which bird can rotate its head by 180 degrees on either side? The Owl.
Which country first used fingerprints to identify people? Assyria and China.
Which discovery made soap-making a big industry? It was discovered (in 1787) that caustic soda can be made from common salt. Since soap is made from caustic soda and fat, manufacturing soap became cheaper.
Which disease is caused by insufficiency of iodine in the diet? Goitre.
Which element is important for the health of bones? Calcium.
Which element is important in the formation of blood? Iron.
Which fish carries its eggs in its mouth? Catfish or Cichlid fish.
Which gland in the human body produces insulin? Pancreas.
Which important mineral is to be found in spinach? Iron.
Which instrument is used for measuring humidity? Hygrometer.
Which is the brightest star in the sky at night? Sinus.


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