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General Science Gk 5

General Knowledge : General Science Gk 5
What is an antidote? A remedy for poisoning is called antidote. The remedy may consist of (a) Neutralising the poison, (b) Preventing the body from absorbing it or, (c) Assisting the body in eliminating.
What is an antiseptic? It is a chemical used to kill germs on the skin or in the wounds. It is also used on things people handle.
What is an electrocardiograph? The electrocardiograph is an electrical instrument, which records the activity of the heart muscle. As the heart beats, several activities take place in a regular! order. The electrocardiograph records changes that occur in a regular order, during a complete heartbeat.
What is an element? An element is a substance that cannot be broken down or decomposed into smaller parts by ordinary chemical means.
What is an Ibex? Where are they found? The Ibex is a mountain goat. It was close to extinction in the Alps. It is now under Government protection. In India Ibex is found at high altitudes in Kashmir.
What is Betelgeuse? It is one of the brightest stars visible in the night sky, It is in the constellation, Orion. It is also called Alpha Orionis, It takes about 300 years for the light from Betelgeuse to reach the earth.
What is Brass? An alloy of Copper and Zinc.
What is Bronze? An alloy of copper and tin.
What is Brownian movement? That small particles of matter (molecules) are in constant motion was observed by Robert Brown through his microscope, by putting very fine powder in water. This movement of molecules is referred to as Brownian movement.
What is camouflage in nature? In nature many animals resort to a number of ways to protect themselves from enemies or predators. This is called camouflage. The Polar Bear, having a white colour is an example of camouflage. Similarly zebra's colour confuses its enemy and serves as a camouflage.
What is carbolic acid? The scientific name for carbolic acid is Phenol. It is extremely poisonous. It is used in the preparation of some plastics. Picric Acid, obtained from phenol, is an ingredient in many explosives.
What is cerebrum? The cerebrum is the main part of the brain and controls the ability to think. The cerebrum receives impulses and directs the body into activity.
What is cholesterol? Cholesterol is a fat found in the human body and the body of other large animals. In its pure form it looks like white sugar. It is made up of tiny crystals, which can be seen under a microscope. It is said that too much cholesterol in the blood is responsible for the hardening of arteries and for various other heart ailments.
What is common to dolphins and humans? They are both mammals.
What is concrete? How is it made? Concrete is a rock like substance made from cement, natural sand, stone and water. Cement and water react chemically and serve like glue to bond the stones and form a hardened mass. When the material is still in a "plastic state" it can be very easily formed into various shapes. But once the concrete sets (hardens) no changes can be made.
What is distillation? Distillation is the process of converting a liquid into vapour form (by heating) and then cooling this vapour to recover the evaporated constituents by the process of condensation.
What is Dry Ice? Solid Carbon Dioxide.
What is ecology? Ecology is the study of plants and animals in relationship to their environment. Everything that affects plants and animals and how they are dependent upon their surroundings is the subject matter of the study of ecology.
What is electrolysis? Electrolysis is the decomposition of a substance using electricity. For example when table salt is subjected to electrolysis, it turns into sodium and chlorine.
What is embryology? Many animals begin life as a fertilised egg. These grow over a period into the form of an adult animal. The study of the changes that take place as an egg develops into an animal is the science of embryology.
What is fog? Fog is water vapour condensing near the surface of the earth. Fog differs from clouds in that fog is close to the earth and clouds are in the sky.
What is forging? The shaping of metals by hammering them is called forging.
What is genetics? Genetics is the study of all those qualities of organisms that are governed by certain biologically active elements derived from the parents.
What is glass made from? Limestone, Silica and Soda ash.
What is Googol? Googol is the number one followed by a hundred zeros.
What is Greenwich Meridian Time? Greenwich Meridian is an imaginary north-south line on the earth's surface drawn through Greenwich near London and both geographical North Pole and South Pole. This line has been arbitrarily chosen as the 0° longitude.
What is Halley's comet? The Halley's comet is named after the English astronomer Edmund Halley. The theory of gravitation developed by Isaac Newton helped Halley to discover that the bright comet that appeared in 1682 had an orbit that brought it back to the inner solar system at regular intervals.
What is horticulture? Horticulture is the science and art of growing fruits, vegetables, flowers or ornamental plants.
What is hybridisation? Hybridisation is the mating or crossing of two parents of different species or varieties. Thus a mule is a hybrid of a horse and an ass. In the case of flowers, hybridisation is done by taking pollen from one plant and dusting it on the pistils of another plant. A bag is placed over the pistils until the seeds are developed. Then the seeds are planted and a hybrid is formed.
What is Hypothermia? It is a body condition in which the temperature falls suddenly as a result of exposure to extreme cold.
What is inertia? Inertia is the property of matter, which keeps a body at rest unless a force is exerted on it. Inertia also keeps a moving body in motion at the same speed and in the same direction unless a force is applied to stop this forward motion.
What is inoculation? ntroduction of germs into a body to precipitate a mild form of a disease. As a result antibodies are produced, which protect the body from the invading germs.
What is it that silkworms weave around themselves? Cocoon.
What is larva? A larva is a young animal that is not fully developed but is able to move about and feed itself. It changes into an adult animal that usually looks different. This change is called metamorphosis. Tadpoles, which grow into frogs, caterpillars, which grow into butterflies, and grubs, which grow to become beetles, are all examples of larva.
What is magma made of? Molten rocks.
What is malaria? Malaria is an acute disease caused by an animal parasite called plasmodium. The disease is spread by the bite of the female Anopheles mosquito.
What is matter made of? Matter is made of electrically charged protons, found in the nucleus and electrons travelling about the nucleus. In addition, there are neutrons in the nucleus with a weight similar to protons but lacking any charge.
What is meant by a catalyst? A catalyst is a substance, which alters the rate of speed of a chemical reaction, without itself being permanently changed. Normally a catalyst hastens or encourages the rate of reaction. However, at times, catalysts are used to slow down a reaction.
What is meant by a Marsupial? Animals carrying their young ones in a pouch.
What is meant by a radio telescope? From their telescopes, astronomers could study objects in outer space that could not be seen with the naked eye. Radio telescopes are telescopes that can study long waves, which are not visible. They can do this using antenna, since radio waves are much longer than light waves. To be effective, radio telescope needs to be much larger than ordinary optical telescope,
What is meant by a refracting telescope? A refracting telescope is made by using two lenses, both of which are convex.
What is meant by Acid Rain? When there is a substantial amount of sulphur dioxide, carbon dioxide, etc in the rain, it is referrec to as acid rain.
What is meant by Acrophobia? Fear of heights.
What is meant by Binary System? We carry out everyday calculations, using the decimal system, with the numbers 1 to 9 and zero. The binary system uses only two numbers 0 and 1. An electric current can be switched on and off using off for 0 and on for 1. Any number can be represented in the binary system.
What is meant by centrifugal and centripetal force? If a ball is whirled at the end of a string in a circular motion, it would seem as if the ball were suddenly very heavy and pulling harder as it is whirled faster. The force of the string pulling the ball toward the centre is the centripetal force. There is an outward force on the string by the ball. This outward force is the centrifugal force.
What is meant by cloud seeding? Spraying of certain chemicals into clouds to induce rain.
What is meant by colour blindness? Inability to distinguish one or more of the primary colours.
What is meant by convection of heat? A process in which heat is transferred by movement of heated fluid such as air and water is called convection.
What is meant by Diabetes? Diabetes is caused because of inadequate secretion of insulin by the pancreas or the inability of the body to utilise the insulin produced.
What is meant by embalming a body? When a body is treated in such a way that it is preserved from decay, it is called embalming.
What is meant by Escape Velocity? It is the minimum initial velocity required for an object to escape the gravitational attraction of an astronomical body, and to continue travelling away from it without the use of further effort.
What is meant by fermentation? Breakdown of organic substances into simpler substances due to the action of bacteria is called fermentation. Grapes are fermented to produce wine. Thus fermentation of wheat and rice results in the breakdown of the starches to simpler sugars and alcohols.
What is meant by fulcrum? Fulcrum is the point about which a bar or lever will rotate, when a force is applied at any distance from that point or axis.
What is meant by Hibernation? Many animals sleep or go into a trance-like state during the long, winter months. This winter sleep is called hibernation. Polar bears go into hibernation in winter.
What is meant by ignition point? Ignition occurs when the temperature of a substance is raised to die point at which its molecules will read spontaneously with oxygen, and the substance begin; to bum. This is called the ignition point.
What is meant by latent heat? Heat absorbed when a substance changes its state without changes in temperature, e.g. water boils at 100°C. When we heat it further the temperature is not raised but the heat is absorbed.
What is meant by Photosynthesis? Photosynthesis is the word used for making food from carbon dioxide in the air and water from the soil, in the presence of sunlight. It occurs in plants.
What is meant by Quarantine? Quarantine is the isolation of persons, animals or plants, which have been exposed to communicable diseases.
What is meant by Radio carbon dating? Scientists describe the radioactivity of an element in terms of half-life - the time the element takes to lose half of its radioactivity through decay. By measuring the radioactivity scientists can calculate the age of the element that is being tested.
What is meant by sublimation in chemistry? Conversion of a substance from solid state to vapour state (without the intervening liquid state) is sublimation. For example, iodine sublimates from its solid state to vapour.
What is meant by the Hippocratic oath? Hippocrates was a Greek physician whose oath is still taken by medical students, when they graduate. The oath reads, in part, "I swear so far as power and discernment shall be mine, I'll carry out regimen for the benefit of the sick and will keep them from harm and wrong. To none will I give a deadly drug even if solicited. Into whatsoever house I shall enter I'll go for the benefit of their sick" There is also a clause that secrecy will be maintained about the ailment of the patients.
What is meant by the term 'freezing point'? The temperature at which a liquid changes to the solid state is called freezing point.
What is meant by the term habitat? Habitat is the place where a certain animal or plant would live and grow naturally. Thus an ocean is the habitat of whales and a pond is the habitat of frogs.
What is meant by the term 'Orbit'? Orbit is the path of any body revolving around another body. This path can be circular or elliptical (as an ellipse).
What is meant by the term Water cycle? Water Cycle is the story of a raindrop, which passes through other phases to become a raindrop again. In summer the water in lakes and rivers evaporates. This water vapour is warm and is pushed up by cold air. As the warm air moves upwards air currents develop. They are called winds. When the warm air passes over mountains or when it goes high up, it cools down and condenses to water again and falls down to earth. On the surface of the earth the raindrops may join other raindrops and if the earth cannot absorb this water quickly, they form streams and rivers. And the cycle continues.
What is meant by the Water Table? Water filters down the surface of the ground and is absorbed and stored by soil and rocks in a zone of saturation. The top of this zone is called Water Table. During drought, the Water Table too goes down.
What is meant by the word 'frequency' of a sound? Frequency is defined as the number of vibrations per second. It must be noted that sound is caused as a result of vibrations in air columns or strings or objects. Sound travels in waves.
What is meant by wireless telegraphy? Wireless Telegraphy originally consisted of a sending key, which opened and closed the circuit and a sounder connected by wires to the key. Whenever the circuit was complete a click sound would be heard. Thus all the letters would be represented by the sounds being produced in the right sequence.
What is measured in the Richter scale? Earthquakes.
What is medulla oblongata? It is the part of brain that connects with the spinal cord.
What is moulting? Moulting takes place because of a number of reasons. Birds discard old feathers for new ones. This is also referred to as moulting. Snakes keep on growing, unlike human beings whose growth stops after attaining adulthood. The snakes discard their skins for a new one. Lobsters, crabs, etc have a hard covering outside the body to support. The animal then breaks out of the old cover and quickly grows before the new chitin already recreated by die tissues underneadi, can harden. Frequently during such periods, the animal hides, since it has no protection then.
What is ozone? Ozone is an isotope of oxygen with three atoms of oxygen in its molecule.
What is paper made of? Mainly wood pulp.
What is parachute? How does it work? Parachute is nothing but a big umbrella made of a special fabric. The parachute and the person using it are subject to two forces: - 1) gravity, which brings them down and 2) the buoyant force of air, which pushes up the umbrella. If the force of the gravity is greater than the buoyancy, the parachute moves down, but very slowly. Hence men can reach the ground safely.
What is peristalsis? Peristalsis is a type of movement occurring in the hollow organs of animals, which causes their contents to be pushed ahead.
What is Plaster of Paris? When gypsum is heated to 120° C it loses water and becomes a white powder. That is plaster of parts. When water is added to the powder, it hardens. It is used for plasters, moulds and models.
What is plastic surgery? Plastic surgery is surgery performed on someone's face or body to remove a deformity or to make it more attractive.
What is reinforced concrete? Reinforced concrete is ordinary concrete which has steel rods fixed in it.
What is resonance? When an object is set into vibration with a certain pitch (frequency) any other object nearby that can vibrate at the same pitch, will start vibrating. This is referred to as resonance.
What is Robert Boyle known for? Boyle is known for his experiments on the physical properties of air and his law on the relationship between the pressure and the volume of the gas.
What is smog? Smog is a mixture of solid and liquid fog and smoke particles. Fog is formed when the humidity is high. The word smog is derived from smoke + fog.
What is Telepathy? Telepathy is direct communication of thought from one person to another, without using any physical channels of communication. Though there are many who claim telepathy is possible, there has been no positive proof of the existence of telepathy.
What is the approximate temperature deep inside the sun? 14 million degrees C.
What is the Archimedes Principle? It is a law of physics that states that when an object is totally or partially immersed in a fluid, it experiences an upward thrust equal to the weight of the fluid displaced. The principle is most frequently applied to the behaviour of objects in water, and helps to explain floating and sinking and why objects seem lighter in water.
What is the average life of a red blood corpuscle? 120 days.
What is the blood condition involving an abnormal reduction in the number of red blood cells called? Anaemia
What is the chemical name of baking soda? Sodium Bicarbonate.
What is the chief source of uranium and radium? The mineral, Pitchblende.
What is the common food of the Blue Whale? A shrimp like creature called krill.
What is the common unit of measurement of electric power? Kilowatt Hour.
What is the composition of perspiration? Mostly water with a little salt.
What is the condition caused by lack of Vitamin C? Scurvy.s
What is the difference between a planetarium and a telescope? Through a telescope we can see a real but small part of the sky. On the dome of the planetarium what we see is a picture of the sky, containing the sun, the moon, the stars and planets in an artificial sky.
What is the difference between a porpoise and a dolphin? Porpoises are smaller than dolphins and they do not have beak like snouts of dolphins. Porpoises live in the shallow water of ocean bays and the mouths of rivers, while dolphins live out in the deeper waters.
What is the difference between a tortoise and a turtle? Tortoise is the name applied to the terrestrial species and turtle is the name applied to the aquatic species.
What is the difference between an Arabian camel and a Bactrian camel? The Arabian camel (or dromedary) has only one hump, while the Bactrian camel has two humps.
What is the difference between Direct Current and Alternating Current? The current flowing in a circuit is described as direct current if it flows continuously in a single direction, and as alternating current if it flows alternately in each direction.
What is the difference between dyes and pigments? Dyes are complex organic substances that are chemically bound to the fibres. Pigments consist of larger particles that form a film on the surface.
What is the difference between mass and weight? Weight and mass are two different things. The amount of matter that a body contains is mass whereas the weight of an object will be a little less near the equator (where it is further away from the centre of the earth) and a little more at the poles. An object in free space has no weight, but it will have a definite mass.
What is the difference between nuclear fission and nuclear fusion? The reaction where heat is produced because of the fission (division) of a nucleus is called nuclear fission. The reaction in which heat is produced because of the fusion of two nuclei is called nuclear fission. In hydrogen bomb die reaction was due to nuclear fusion. In the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, it was a fusion bomb.


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