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General Science Gk 4

General Knowledge : General Science Gk 4
The symbol Zn stands for Zinc
The symbol Zr stands for Zirconium
The system for writing by blind people was invented by Louis Braille
The theory of relativity was propounded by Albert Einstein
The three states of matter are Solid,liquid and gas
The unit of loudness is Phon
The unit of power is Watt
Thermostat is an instrument used for regulating Constant temperature
Tn the human body what is the end product of protein digestion? Amino acids.
To which family of plants do bamboos belong? The grass family.
Toxicology is the study of Poisons
Virology is the study of Viruses
VSSC is located at Thiruvananthapuram
VSSC stands for Vikram Sarabhai space Centre
Vulcanised rubber was invented by Charles Goodyear
What are aerial roots? Roots that grow down from the branch of a tree. The banyan tree is a good example.
What are alveoli? The tiny air sacs in the lungs are called alveoli. It is through the walls of the alveoli that the exchange of gases takes place.
What are antibiotics? How do antibiotics help in curing diseases caused by bacteria? In nature, there are moulds and bacteria that attack other organisms in order to obtain nourishment and to reproduce. Antibiotics are chemical substances produced by organisms (usually microorganisms) that are harmful to other bacteria and life forms. If you moisten a piece of stale bread and keep it in the open, there will be a greenish growth on it a little later. That is because of the spread of a mould called Penicillium Notatum. It produces penicillin. Penicillin is a highly effective antibiotic. Most bacteria double every half an hour. Just one bacterium (singular of bacteria) becomes thousands within a few hours. An antibiotic does not permit the multiplication of bacteria. In many cases, the antibiotic does not permit even the survival of bacteria.
What are asteroids? Asteroid means "like star". Asteroids are heavenly bodies like the earth, but very much smaller in size. Some may be only a kilometre or two in diameter. They also orbit around the sun.
What are bacteria? Where are they found? Bacteria formerly classified as plants are now classified separately as Prokaryotes. They are so small that we can see them only with a microscope. They are found almost everywhere. Bacteria cause and spread diseases, but there are many bacteria that are helpful to man. Bacteria are responsible for converting grape juice into wine and milk into curd.
What are chromosomes? Chromosomes are tiny thread-like parts of a cell. These can be seen under a microscope. They are made up of smaller parts called genes. These chromosomes and genes decide heredity.
What are citrus fruits? Citrus fruits are those, which contain citric acid in sizeable amounts. Citric acid gives the citrus fruits their sour taste. Lemons, oranges and limes all contain citric acid.
What are clouds made of? Tiny droplets of ice or water.
What are comets? Comets are heavenly bodies that travel around the sun. When they are near the sun, they look like stars with long glowing tails. Halley's comet appears once in about 76 - 78 years. Some comets appear near the sun only once in millions of years. A comet has a head, which looks like a star. The head is surrounded by a coma or a fuzzy hood. The tail may be millions of kilometres long.
What are corals? They are combined skeletons of tiny marine animals, which live together in a colony.
What are cosmic rays? Cosmic rays are radiation from outer space, which bombard the earth. They constantly strike the molecules of the earth's upper atmosphere. As a result, additional radiations are produced. The atmosphere absorbs most of these rays.
What are Epiphytic plants? Plants that grow on other plants for support. These plants however do not take nourishment from the host.
What are glacial ages? There have been several periods of time when much of the earth's surface became covered with ice. These different periods of time make up the glacial ages.
What are isotopes? Isotopes are different forms of an element with the same number of protons, but a varying number of neutrons in the nucleus of an atom. All elements consist of atoms. Atoms have a nucleus, which consists of proton or protons and neutrons. They usually have as many electrons as protons, continuously whirling around the nucleus. Hydrogen has two naturally existing isotopes - one with only a proton and no neutron in its nucleus and another with a neutron and a proton. The first one is commonly known as hydrogen. The second one is rare and is called deuterium or heavy hydrogen. A third isotope, called tritium, is artificially produced. Tritium has one proton and two neutrons.
What are lichens? Lichens are plants that have no flowers, roots, leaves or stems. They grow on rocks and along beaches. They live on the bark of tree on the highest mountains.
What are meteorites? They are rocks or pieces of rocks that enter the atmosphere and are usually burnt out before landing on earth. Some large meteorites can crash against the surface of the earth and cause damage.
What are molluscs? A class of animals with a soft body and no bones.
What are Pachyderms? Animals with thick skin like elephants and rhinoceros.
What are pseudopodia? Pseudopodia are temporary extension of the body of a one-celled animal such as amoeba.
What are radioactive elements? These are elements in which protons and neutrons are not in balance. They slowly breakdown to form stable elements.
What are salivary glands? Salivary glands are located in the mouth. There are three pairs, one pair is located in front of the ears, one pair is located underneath the lower jaw and the third is under the tongue. Salivary glands secrete an enzyme called ptyalin, which helps in the digestion of starches. Saliva has an alkaline action. If you see many players chewing gum, it is because when a person is tense, the stomach produces more acids. The saliva, produced by chewing gum, neutralizes this acid.
What are seashells? Outer casings of soft-bodied animals, called molluscs.
What are Sunspots? Areas where the sun's surface is slightly cooler than normal - about 4000 degree C instead of 6000 degrees C.
What are sweat glands? Sweat glands are located under the skin of mammals. They are coils of soft, tiny tubes. The tube ends at openings in the skin called pores. Sweat glands carry moisture and waste material to the surface of the skin. When the water is brought to the surface of the skin it evaporates there and keeps the body cool.
What are the characteristics of a parasitic plant? They cannot produce their own food and obtain food from other sources.
What are the constituents of stainless steel? Stainless steel is an alloy of iron, nickel and chromium. Stainless steel making involves the removal of impurities and addition of desirable metals like chromium and nickel.
What are the four stages in the development of a butterfly? a) Egg b) Larva c) Pupa d) Butterfly
What are the main differences between an Indian elephant and an African elephant? The African elephant is much larger in size. Its ears as well as tusks are larger than those of an Indian elephant.
What are the parts of a comet? Nucleus, coma and tail.
What are the properties of aluminium, which make it very useful, particularly in the aerospace industry? Aluminium is very light and yet very strong. It does not get corroded. Aluminium's excellent electrical conductivity makes it very useful in making high voltage electrical conductors.
What are the remains of animals or plants, preserved deep under the earth or in rocks, etc called? Fossils.
What are the sieve like plates in a whale's mouth called? Baleens.
What are the substances that can cause cancer called? Carcinogens.
What are the things necessary to start a fire? Heat, fuel and oxygen.
What are the three main constituents of a galvanic cell? a. An anode, b. A Cathode, c. An electrolyte in which the anode and cathode are placed.
What are the uses of snake venom? It is helpful in curing many ailments affecting the nervous system.
What causes rusting? How can it be prevented? Metals like iron are often exposed to moisture. Rusting is the process of oxidation occurring when the iron and air slowly combine to form iron oxides. Oil is often used to slow down rusting. When a coat of paint or varnish is given to a metal, this also prevents (reduces) oxidation.
What causes tides in the ocean and sea? Gravitational pull of the moon and to some extent the sun.
What did ancient Romans think lightning was? Jupiter's weapon.
What do a koala bear, opossum, wombat and bandicoot have in common? They are all Marsupials, i.e. they carry their young ones in pouches.
What do deciduous trees mean? Trees that shed leaves in autumn are called deciduous trees.
What do elements consist of? Positively charged protons, negatively charged electrons and neutrons, which have no charge.
What does a Hydrometer measure? Density of liquids.
What does a lizard do when its life is in danger? The lizard discards its tail to divert the attention of its enemy.
What does a ruminant mean? Ruminant is an animal that chews its cud and has a four-chambered stomach. When food is swallowed by a ruminant, it passes into the rumen or paunch, where it is stored, while the animal eats. Chewing and digestion are carried out at leisure. The food passes from the rumen to the reticulum, where it is formed into small masses and pushed up to the mouth to be chewed. When it is swallowed a second time it takes a different route. Gastric digestion takes place and the food passes into the intestine.
What does Aurora mean? Bright patches of light are seen at high latitudes above 60° north or south. They are named Aurora Borealis (northern lights) or Aurora Australis (southern lights) depending on their position. The term "Aurora Polaris", polar lights, is a general name for both. The aurora consists of rapidly shifting patches and dancing columns of light of various hues.
What does DPT stand for? Diphtheria, Pertussis and Tetanus. DPT is a combined vaccine for diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus.
What does mammal mean? A mammal is a warm-blooded animal, which suckles its young ones with milk and has hair on its skin.
What does milking of poisonous snakes mean? It means drawing out poison from the serpents for medical use.
What does the acronym LASER stand for? Light Amplification by Simulated Emission of Radiation.
What does the acronym RADAR mean? Radio Detection and Ranging.
What does the acronym, SONAR, stand for? Sound Navigation and Ranging.
What does U.F.O stand for? Unidentified Flying Object.
What food does a bear love most? Honey.
What is a black hole? A body whose mass is so intensely concentrated that even light cannot escape its gravitational attraction. Normal properties of space in its vicinity are altered drastically.
What is a bone made up of? Two-thirds of the bone is calcium phosphate. The other one-third is gelatin.
What is a Catamaran? A boat with twin parallel hulls. [From the Tamil words katta and maram, meaning tied up (katta) tree (maram).
What is a cataract? Cataract is a disease affecting the lens of the eye. The lens consists of a semi-solid substance, enclosed in a capsule. Cataract is a condition in which the lens loses its transparency and tends to become opaque.
What is a cocoon? It is a silk case, that covers a caterpillar before it becomes a moth (butterfly). After the caterpillar is completely wrapped in its cocoon, it sleeps through the winter.
What is a dehumidifier? Why is dehumidification important? Heating, cooling, ventilation and dehumidifying are aspects of air-conditioning. It is believed that a cold climate with a low level of humidity is good for health. Even food is preserved better when the temperature and humidity are low.
What is a desert? A desert is a large area of land that is too dry to support life. Deserts are not always hot, dry or sandy. The tundras of Siberia (in Russia) are deserts. Water is frozen here and does not support life.
What is a fungus? A fungus is a plant without chlorophyll or true leaves, stem and root. Since they are unable to make their own food, they must live on other living or dead plants and animals. Fungi (plural of fungus) are found almost everywhere. Mushrooms are fungi.
What is a fuse? The fuse is a strip of metal (or metallic wires) that melts at a relatively low temperature. When an electric circuit carries more electric current than it is supposed to carry, the fuse melts and prevents fires.
What is a huge mass of ice slowly moving ahead called? Glacier.
What is a hygrometer? A hygrometer is one of the instruments used to measure the moisture in the air.
What is a larynx? The larynx is the voice box, located in the throat.
What is a ligament? Ligament is a term for individual tough fibrous bands of connective tissue that support the internal organs and hold bones together at the joints.
What is a light year? In measuring distances on earth we use units like miles and kilometres. But even for giving the distance between the sun and the earth, we have to write 93,000,000 million miles or 150,000,000 kilometres. To write the distance between Alpha Centauri and earth we have to write long numbers. Hence measuring in units based on the speed of light has been adopted. In this scale the sun is 8 minutes from the earth. In kilometres one light year is approximately 924 x 1013 or 9,240,000,000,000,000 kilometres. Alpha Centauri is just 4.6 light years away.
What is a male ant called? Drone.
What is a mammoth? Mammoth was an ancestor of the elephant (of the modern elephant), which is now extinct. Whole frozen mammoths have been found below the ice in Siberia.
What is a manometer? It is an instrument for measuring the pressure of gases.
What is a mirage? How is it caused? A mirage is a reflection, caused by the bending of light rays. When we ride along highways particularly in arid regions, we see a reflection ahead, which looks like water. This is caused by a dense layer of warm air near the surface of the earth. Light rays from the sky are reflected toward one's line of vision - what one sees is a reflection of the sky and not water.
What is a photometer? An instrument for measuring the intensity of light.
What is a planarium? A planarium is a simple form of life, which crawls about and feeds on small animals.
What is a Portuguese Man of War? A name commonly applied to jelly fish, found in tropical seas.
What is a rain gauge? It is a device used for measuring rainfall.
What is a robot? Robot is any machine, developed by man to do the work of a human being such as running a machinery by remote control or to operate devices like switch boards automatically. It is usually directed by sound waves, light waves or radio waves.
What is a satellite? A body that revolves around another is called a satellite. The earth and the other planets are satellites of the sun. The moon is a satellite of the earth.
What is a solar eclipse? The moon comes in between the sun and the earth, and thereby prevents sunlight from reaching the earth.
What is a Supernova? A star, which suddenly burns up a lot of its matter and gives a brilliant light.
What is a Tapir? Where is it found? A Tapir is an animal that looks like a pig. It is found in Malaysia and Central and South America.
What is absolute zero temperature? Absolute zero is the temperature at which thermal energy (energy related to heat) vanishes. It corresponds to -273.15 degrees, on the Celsius scale.
What is acceleration? The time rate at which the velocity of a point is changing is acceleration. Velocity is just the speed (miles per hour or kilometres per second). The term acceleration is used when the speed keeps increasing. The term deceleration is used when the speed becomes less and less.
What is an ammeter used for? Measuring the strength of an electric current.
What is an anableps? Any of the three species of Fish, commonly referred to as four eyed fish. An anableps has the ability to see above and below the water at the same time.


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