General Science Gk 2
General Knowledge : General Science Gk 2
How does a spider eat its food? | The spider inserts his fangs into the victim's body and uses them as straws to suck out the liquid. |
How does a thermos flask retain die heat of its contents? | It has a tightly fitting cap of cork or such material, which is a poor conductor of heat. The bottle has a double layer of glass. Glass too is a poor conductor. There is vacuum between the layers of glass to prevent loss of heat by convection and conduction. If the surfaces are made highly reflective, even radiation can be reduced. |
How does an Octopus camouflage itself? | By changing its colour and merging with the background. |
How does spraying kerosene on marshes reduce mosquitoes? | A film of oil is produced which prevents the larvae of the mosquitoes from having access to the oxygen in the atmosphere. |
How does the chameleon catch its prey? | It flicks out its long sticky tongue and catches unwary insects flying by. |
How does the rotation and revolution of the earth affect our lives? | The earth rotates on its axis even while it revolves around the sun. The rotation results in night and day. As the earth revolves around the sun, it also tilts on its axis. This tilt causes changes in the earth's position, which results in the seasons. |
How does the sun generate its energy? | Inside the sun a reaction similar to that of a hydrogen bomb goes on continuously. Two atoms of hydrogen fuse to produce an atom of helium. The sun is today at the midway of its life. |
How is a pearl formed within the body of an oyster? | A pearl is formed when a grain of sand or other foreign matter gets between the hard outer shell and the inner coat called the mantle, of a mollusc. The mollusc surrounds the irritation with nacre, a secretion from the mantle. Many thin layers of nacre give the pearl its lustre. |
How is cement obtained? | Heating a mixture of limestone and clay. |
How is oxygen formed in the atmosphere? | In the presence of chlorophyll, a chemical reaction takes place in the leaves using carbon dioxide in the air and water transported from the roots. As a result of the chemical reaction, starch is produced. Oxygen is the by-product of this reaction. |
How is petroleum formed? | Remains of plants and tiny animals that lived millions of years ago remain buried and turn into petroleum. |
How is plywood made? | Plywood is made by gluing wide thin slices of wood together in order to make a strong board. |
How is sound produced? | Basically sound is produced when a vibrating body sets air molecules in motion. Musical instruments produce sounds by vibrating strings. The vibration and waves that are produced reach the ear, which passes the vibrations to the brain. To test this take a steel tumbler and tap on it with a metallic spoon. Sound is produced. Hold the edge of the tumbler between two fingers. The sound stops. This illustrates the importance of vibration in producing sound. |
How is the glow of a firefly caused? | When certain proteins get oxidised, in the presence of an enzyme called luciferase, light is produced. Fireflies have special light organs on the underside of the abdomen. Here in the presence of luciferase, light is produced. |
How long do banyan trees live? | Banyan trees seem to live for hundreds of years. Aerial roots develop from its branches and they take root in the soil. Over the years these roots turn into sturdy trunks, which too grow roots and the cycle continues. It is said that the entire army of Alexander had taken shelter under one such banyan tree. |
How long do butterflies live? | 2 to 3 weeks. |
How long do elephants live? | 65 to 100 years. |
How many arms does a starfish have? | Usually five. |
How many bones are there in an adult human being? | 206 |
How many chambers are there in a human heart? | Four. Right auricle, left auricle, right ventricle and left ventricle. |
How many chromosomes does a man have in his body cell? | 46 |
How many days does Mercury take to complete one rotation on its axis? | 59 earth days. |
How many days does the moon take to go round the earth? | 27 1/3 days. |
How many ears does a spider have? | None. |
How many eggs does a starfish lay at a time? | Millions. |
How many legs does a butterfly have? | Six. |
How many lobes does a human liver have? | Four |
How many nephrons does a human kidney contain? | About a million. |
How many pairs of legs do crabs have? | Five pairs. |
How many pairs of nerves are there in man that are connected to the brain? | Twelve pairs. They are called the cranial nerves. |
How many parts was a day divided into, in ancient India? | Eight parts, called prahars. The Hindi word 'dupahar', for noon, is derived from 'du' (two) and pahar (prahar). |
How many satellites does Mars have? | Two. |
How many teeth do sheep have on their upper jaw? | None. |
How many toes does an ostrich have on each of its legs? | An ostrich has two toes in each leg. |
How many weeks after birth does the young one of a cat opens its eyes? | Three weeks. |
How much blood does an average adult human being have? | About 6.5 litres. |
How much time does light take to reach the earth from the sun? | 8 minutes. |
How much time does Pluto take to complete a revolution around the sun? | 248 years. |
How much time does the earth take to complete a revolution around the sun? | 365 % days. |
Ichtyology is the study of | Fishes |
If hair is dead tissue, how does it grow? | It is true that hair consists of Keratin, a dead tissue. But the hair is lodged in a follicle located a little below the scalp, which is very much alive. This is where the growth takes place. The living hair pushes up the dead tissue. That living tissue also dies and is pushed up. Pull out a hair and you will feel pain and understand the truth of this statement. |
If you speak loudly on the moon, approximately how far can your voice travel? | Sound waves need a medium in which they can travel. The atmosphere on the moon is negligible. Hence your voice cannot travel any distance. |
In ancient India shells of a sea-animal were used as money. What were they called? | Cowries. |
In which country was silk first made? | China. |
In which country was the day first divided into 12 parts? | Babylon (modern Iraq). |
In which organ of the human body are the lymphocyte cells (blood cells) manufactured? | Spleen |
In which organ of the human body are the lymphocyte cells manufactured? | Spleen. |
In which part of the plant are ovules contained? | Pistil. |
In which part of their body do spiders spin the thread? | Abdomen. |
Indian Institute of Horticultural Research is located at | Bangalore |
INSAT stands for | Indian National Satellite |
Ir stands for | Iridium |
Is it true that the age of a tree can be known by studying its rings? | Yes, each year during spring a light ring grows just inside the bark of the tree. During summer and autumn, the ring that grows is darker. Too little sunlight, too little moisture or injury results in a smaller and darker ring. After counting the rings, we can assess the age of the tree. |
Is it true that the Himalayas grow taller year after year? | Yes, about one mm a year. The solid layer of the earth consists of about a dozen semirigid plates. As the Indian plate moving north presses against the stationary Asian landmass, the height of the Himalayas increases. The increase is imperceptible. |
ISAC is located at | Bangalore |
ISAC stands for | ISRO Satellite Centre |
ISRO stands for | Indian Space Research Organisation |
Kidneys help the body to eliminate waste. Which other parts of the human body do the same? | Lungs, skin and rectum. |
Laser was invented by | Dr.Charles H.Townes |
Logarithms were devised by | John Napier |
Man, dogs, cats, horses have lungs through which they breathe. How do smaller animals like fish, earthworm, etc obtain their requirement of oxygen? | Earthworms also respire. They use their moist skin to exchange carbon dioxide for oxygen. The fishes use their gills to respire. Even frogs in the tadpole stage use their skin for respiring. Reptiles such as snakes and turtles and even birds breathe through lungs. |
Manganese was discovered by | Gahn |
Mechanics is the study of | Forces acting on bodies |
Mercury is closest to the sun, then how come Venus is the hottest planet? | Venus has thick clouds around it that prevent heat from escaping from its surface. |
Michael Faraday worked as an assistant under another scientist whose name was | Sir Humphry Davy |
Microscope was invented by | Aaton Van Leewen Hock |
Name the animal that can lift 50 times its weight. | Ant. |
Name the animal that has the largest eyes in the world? | The Atlantic Giant Squid, about 30 cm wide. |
Name the animal, which has the largest eyes in the world. | The Atlantic Giant Squid. The diameter of its eye is about 30 cm. |
Name the Chinese method of curing ailments by using needles? | Acupuncture. |
Name the first aircraft to hard land on the moon. | Luna 2. It was launched on September 12, 1959 by the USSR. |
Name the galaxy that is nearest to our galaxy. | Andromeda Galaxy. |
Name the largest bone in the human body. | Femur (in the thigh). |
Name the mammals that lay eggs. | Platypus and Echidna. |
Name the only mammal, other than man, that can walk upright? | Gibbon. |
Name the only two poisonous lizards in the world | The Gila Monster and the Beaded Lizard. |
Name the person who first discovered the presence of Microbes. | Anton Van Leeuwenhoek. |
Name the unit in which electric current is measured? | Ampere. |
Name the unit in which electric current is measured? | Ampere. |
Name the Vitamin that prevents night blindness. | Vitamin A. |
Name the world's largest rodent and where is it found. | Capybara found in the Amazon jungles of South America. |
Name two countries, which use geothermal heat (heat from far below the earth's surface) to produce electricity? | Italy, Iceland, Japan, New Zealand, USA and Russia. |
National Science Centre is located at | New Delhi |
Nickel was discovered by | Cronstledt |
Nylon was invented by | Dr.Wallace H.Carothers |
Of all the bones in the skull and the face, which is the only movable bone in human beings? | The lower jaw. |
Of which element is diamond made of? | Carbon. |
Oology is the study of | Birds eggs |
Ornithology is the study of | Birds |
Osteology is the study of | Bones |
Paleontology is the study of | Fossils |
Penicillin is obtained from | Mould |
Phycology is the study of | Algae |
Plant that eat insects are called | Insectivorous plants |
Plants that flower only once in their lifetime are called | Mono carpic |
Psychology is the study of | Human mind |
Radio valve was invented by | Sir J.A.Fleming |
Radioactivity was discovered by | Henry Bacquerel |
Radium was discovered by | Marie and Pierrie Curie |
Rayon was invented by | Sir Joseph Swann |
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