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General Science Gk 1

General Knowledge : General Science Gk 1
A compound which contains only hydrogen and Carbon is called a Hydrocarbon
A deviation of light passing from one medium to another is known as Refraction
A fungus which can only survive on other living organisms is called Obligate Parasite
A machine used for converting mechanical energy into electrical energy is called a Generator
A plant adapted for growth in water is called a Hydrophyte
A plant adapted to live in dry places is called a Xerophyte
A plant which lives in the dark is called Scotophyte
A tangent galvanometer is used to study the Strength of direct current
Al stands for Aluminium
Among the insects that are extant, (that are living still), which is the most ancient? Cockroach.
An alimeter is used for measuring Altitude
An ammeter is used to measure Electric current
An apparatus for generation of atomic energy is called a Reactor
An Electroscope is used to Detect charges on a body
Ancient Sumenans used to write on clay. How could this writing be preserved? By baking the tablets. This would remove the moisture from the tablets and harden them.
Apart from earth on which other planet in the solar system does life exist? Nowhere else. As we know it.
Are the soldier ants male or female? They are all female.
ASLV stands for Augmented Satellite Launch Vehicle
At what temperature does water become ice? Zero degrees on the Celsius scale.
Atomic Energy Commission is located at Mumbai
Auriscope is used to detect Ear disorders
Barometer was invented by Torricelli
Bats cannot see. Then how do they move about? They emit sounds of low intensity, which are reflected from the objects around them. This helps the bats to move about.
Bhaskara I was a famous Astronomer
Bi stands for Bismuth
Bifocal lens was invented by Benjamin Franklin
Bismuth was discovered by Valentine
Botany is the study of Plant life
Calcium oxide is commonly known as Quick lime
Calcium sulphate is commonly called Plaster of Paris
Calorimeter is used to measure Quantity of heat
Can you give ah example of reflex action? Knee jerk. It is the involuntary kick caused by a blow on the tendon just below the knee.
Celluloid was invented by A.Parker
Cement was invented by Joseph Aspdin
Central Tobacco Research Institute is located at Rajahmundry
Chlorine is very injurious to health. So is sodium. The table salt we use is sodium chloride. Why is it not dangerous to health? It must be noted that a compound formed from two or more elements need not have a single property of its constituent elements. Sodium and Chlorine combine to form table salt, which is healthy (in small amounts). Water, which sustains life, is formed from hydrogen and oxygen. The properties of hydrogen as well as oxygen are not found in water.
Chronometer was invented by John Harrison
Crescograph is used to measure the Rate of growth of a plant
Crescograph was invented by J.C.Bose
CSIR stands for Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
Dactylography is the study of Finger Prints
Dynamics is the study of Movements of bodies
Dynamo was invented by Michael Faraday
earth's surface?
Electric Lamp was invented by Thomas alva Edison
Electric razor was invented by Jacob Schick
Electromagnet was invented by William Sturgeon
Entomology is the study of Insects
For the protection against which disease is the B.C.G vaccination given? Tuberculosis (T.B)
For which invention or process is Henry Bessemer best known? Bessemer converter used for making steel.
Fountain pen was invented by L.E.Waterman
From the bark of which tree is quinine extracted? Cinchona.
From where does the moon get its light during the night? Earth
From which element was the first Atom Bomb made? Uranium 235.
From which elements is steel made? Iron and Carbon.
From which material is aluminum made? Bauxite.
From which ore is Aluminium made? Bauxite.
From which part of the plant, is ginger that we eat obtained? From the stem.
From which plants do we get potatoes? How? Potatoes grow on potato plants. The plant stems grow under the ground and are called tubers. These are the edible parts and are called potatoes. Spanish explorers brought the potato to Europe.
Fruits that are formed without fertilization are called Parthenocarpic
Galileo's first scientific discovery was Pendulum
Gd stands for Gadolinium
Glider was invented by Sir George Caley
Herpetology is the study of Reptiles
How are gills important to fish? They are used for breathing air by most Fishes and certain other lungless animals.
How are helicopters useful in rescue operations? A helicopter can move up, take off or land easily from small clear areas. Hence they are useful in dropping food or rescuing stranded people. It has a rotor, which enables it to rise up or go down, vertically.
How are hereditary characters transmitted from one generation to the next? Genes are believed to be responsible for transmitting hereditary characters. Every human cell contains 23 pairs of chromosomes, which are made up of many paired particles or units called genes.
How are hydrocarbons produced? Hydrocarbons consist mainly of hydrogen and carbon. They are produced from the breakdown of plants and other living beings, either by bacteria or by heat and pressure under the surface of the earth. They are also called Natural Gas.
How are mosquito fish helpful to man? They eat mosquitoes.
How are motion pictures made? When the eyes see an image, they hold onto it in the form of a visual memory for a fraction of a second after it is gone. In a motion picture, the projector flashes still pictures quickly in succession. The usual numbers of pictures that are projected per second are 24. Because of persistence of vision, the picture seems to be one continuous moving picture.
How are volcanoes caused? Deep under the crust of the earth is molten rock or lava, also called magma. It is under great pressure because of the intense heat around it and the weight of the earth's crust. When this hot boiling mass finds an outlet in the underside of the earth's crust, it comes through the surface as lava.
How are we protected from the ultraviolet rays of the sun? Ultraviolet rays come from the sun. If all the ultraviolet rays emanating from the sun travelling to the earth were to reach the earth, all life on earth would be destroyed. But this does not happen, because a layer of ozone (20 to 50 km) above the earth's atmosphere absorbs the ultraviolet rays of the sun.
How big are the tusks of an Indian female elephant? Indian female elephants do not have tusks.
How big is the Milky Way? It is estimated that the Milky Way has over a hundred billion stars. The sun is one of the stars in the Milky Way.
How can a frog make such a loud sound? As the frog forces air from the lungs, vocal chords in the voice box (larynx) vibrate to make calls, distinctive of its species. The bulls of some species have air sacs, which help, increase the volume of the sound.
How can astronauts walk in space without any support to walk on? Because there is hardly any gravity far away from the earth. (Or any heavenly body).
How can gargling with salt water help relieve a sore throat? An infection of the throat spreads rapidly. Quite a few varieties of bacteria double every half an hour. Gargling with warm water does not kill these bacteria, but it prevents their growth. Temperatures of more than 40 degrees Celsius are not conducive to the growth of bacteria. Any solution which has more than eight per cent salt inhibits the growth of bacteria. Thus, if you gargle with warm salt water, it will prevent the proliferation of bacteria.
How can lizards walk on walls? The base of their paws has cuplike structures that stick to the walls. This enables them to move even on walls.
How can the moon which is very small, cover the sun which is very big, during an eclipse? The sun is far far away compared to the moon, Therefore even though the sun is very large, the moon can cover it. Even a coin can cover the moon, if held close to the eye.
How did Charles Goodyear discover the vulcanisation of rubber? Accidentally he spilled a mixture of rubber and sulphur on a hot stove. He observed that the rubber had become stronger and elastic. From there he got; the idea of hardening rubber.
How did Roentgen discover X-rays? While experimenting with a glass tube from which the air had been pumped, Roentgen happened to pass an electric current through the tube. Nearby was a screen coated with Barium Platinocyanide. Suddenly he noticed that the screen was glowing with a greenish blue light. After experimenting with this radiation, coming from the evacuated glass tube Roentgen found that this radiation could pass through substances of varying densities placed between the tube and the screen. He named these rays X-rays.
How did the Romans rub off what was written on a wooden slate coated with wax? By heating the slate, the wax was melted. The slate became ready to reuse.
How did the watch get its name? From the fact that you have to watch it to know the time.
How do bats communicate with each other? Bats produce screeching sounds. As these sounds strike objects around them, they produce echoes, which are heard by the bats. This helps the bats in navigation. Human beings cannot hear the sounds produced by the bats as they have much higher frequency than the audible range of the human ear.
How do bees communicate? Bees communicate the source of nectar to others by the pattern of the dance they perform.
How do dolphins communicate with each other? By producing screeching sounds.
How do fireflies produce light? There are proteins in the body of fireflies that produce light, when they get oxidized in the presence of the enzyme, Luciferase.
How do insects breathe? Insects breathe through the tiny holes in their body.
How do mother animals recognize their babies? By their smell.
How do planaria (flatworm) reproduce? Planaria (plural of planarium) constrict and fragment just behind the pharynx. Both pieces then develop into complete animals.
How do we get heat and light from the sun? Through radiation.
How does a cricket produce the chirping sound? By rubbing its legs against one of its front wings.
How does a frog breathe under water? Through its skin.
How does a frog catch an insect? It throws out its tongue, which is sticky and catches the insects.
How does a mariner's compass help the mariner? The needle of the compass always points towards the magnetic north pole. This indicates the direction in which the ship is moving.
How does a microwave oven work? Water molecules vibrate and rub against each other, producing heat because heat is produced by diese molecules an external source of heat is not required for cooking in a microwave.
How does a perfume spread to the corners of any room even though there is no breeze? Molecules of oxygen, nitrogen and other gases in the air keep on spreading all around them.
How does a Pitcher Plant eat flies? A Pitcher Plant is hollow and tubular. The surfaces are slippery and they have hairs, which point downwards. When an insect lands on a pitcher plant, it is impossible for it to escape because of the slippery surface and the downward-pointed hairs. It is then easily digested.
How does a plant transfer nutrients it absorbs through its roots to other parts? Through tiny tubes called Xylem.
How does a rocket move forward? It moves forward due to propulsion. You must have seen that a boatman pushes the water backwards with his oar. This creates a force in the forward direction. This is propulsion. Newton's third law of motion states action and reaction are equal and opposite. In a rocket when hot gases come out of the rear with great force as a result of combustion, a force is created in the opposite direction. This takes the rocket forward.


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