Solid waste management Multiple Choice Questions

Are you looking for Mcqs on Solid waste management? If Yes then you are at right place. Here you will find Solid waste management Mcq Questions and Answers, Trivia, Quiz, Interview MCQ & Solid waste management Current Affairs for Competitive Exams like Neet exams, around 30% to 40% of Neet questions are asked from given Solid waste management Mcqs. as you know Questions and Ansers on Solid waste management is very important for Neet Exam. In this Solid waste management MCQ section for Neet competition we are covering MCQS on Solid waste management

Question : How many main components are there in integrated waste management?

A. Two

B. Three

C. Seven

D. Eleven


Question : Which of the following statements are the features of zero waste management?

A. Separate collection of each kind

B. Separation of garbage at the source

C. Involvement of the community in all activities

D. All of the above


Question : Which of the following gas can be produced from landfill wastes?

A. Biogas

B. Natural gas

C. Liquified petroleum gas

D. All of the above


Question : Which of the following can be recycled many times?

A. Wood

B. Plastic

C. Aluminium

D. Organic materials

Question : Which of the following statements is not true for plastic wastes?

A. Can be used to make compost

B. It lasts for a longer period of time

C. Toxic fumes are produced when burnt

D. All of the above

Question : Which of the following methods is a good way of dealing with the solid waste problem?

A. Recycling

B. Landfilling

C. Both a and b

D. None of the above

Question : Which of the following is true about wastes?

A. The apparent waste from one process becomes the input to another

B. All processes of production and consumption produce waste

C. There is no real waste in nature

D. All of the above

Question : The most disposable wastes are in the form of________________.

A. Solids

B. Liquids

C. Slurries

D. All of the above

Question : Which of the following is the simplest and most common method used in the cities to dump the collected wastes?

A. River

B. Ocean

C. Landfill

D. None of the above

Question : Which of the following gas generates when the matter inside the sanitary landfill breaks down?

A. Methane

B. Nitrogen

C. Hydrogen

D. All of the above

Question : The burning of the wastes is not an acceptable practice of solid waste management because

A. It is very costly

B. It requires a lot of space

C. It requires modern technologies

D. It causes several environmental issues

Question : The process of burning municipal solid wastes in a properly designed furnace under suitable temperature and these operating conditions is called ______.

A. Landfill

B. Incineration

C. Recycling

D. Vermicomposting

Question : Which of the following wastes are called the Municipal Solid Waste (MSW)?

A. Food wastes

B. Wood pieces

C. Plastic cans

D. All of the above

Question : Which of the statements is true for the organic material in the buried solid waste that will decompose?

A. By the flow of water

B. By the soil particles

C. By the action of microorganisms

D. By the action of oxidation

Question : Which of the following plans are used as a waste management plan?

A. Use a waste management plan

B. The integrated waste management plan

C. Recycling of waste management plan

D. Reducing the waste management plan