Pcr Multiple Choice Questions

Are you looking for Mcqs on Pcr? If Yes then you are at right place. Here you will find Pcr Mcq Questions and Answers, Trivia, Quiz, Interview MCQ & Pcr Current Affairs for Competitive Exams like Neet exams, around 30% to 40% of Neet questions are asked from given Pcr Mcqs. as you know Questions and Ansers on Pcr is very important for Neet Exam. In this Pcr MCQ section for Neet competition we are covering MCQS on Pcr

Question : The polymer chain reaction is used for_________.

A. Amplifying gene of interest

B. Constructing RAPD maps

C. Detecting the presence of the transgene in an organism

D. All of the above


Question : Which of the following is true for asymmetric PCR?

A. Used for generating double-stranded copies for DNA sequence

B. Used for generating single-stranded copies for DNA sequence

C. Both a and b

D. None of the above


Question : Which of the following is an application of polymer chain reaction?

A. Site-directed mutagenesis

B. Site-specific recombination

C. Site-specific translocation

D. All of the above


Question : Reverse transcription PCR uses _________.

A. RNA as a template to form DNA

B. mRNA as a template to form cDNA

C. DNA as a template to form ssDNA

D. All of the above

Question : At what temperature does annealing of DNA and primer take place?

A. 54°C

B. 96°C

C. 42°C

D. 74°C

Question : Primers used for the process of polymerase chain reaction are _________.

A. Single-stranded RNA oligonucleotide

B. Single-stranded DNA oligonucleotide

C. Double-stranded RNA oligonucleotide

D. Single-stranded DNA oligonucleotide

Question : How many DNA duplexes are obtained from one DNA duplex after 4 cycles of PCR?

A. 8

B. 4

C. 32

D. 16

Question : At what temperature does denaturation of DNA double helix take place?

A. 54°C

B. 74°C

C. 94°C

D. 60°C

Question : Polymerase used for PCR is extracted from _____________ .

A. Homo sapiens

B. Thermus aquaticus

C. Escherichia coli

D. Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Question : Which of the following statements are true regarding PCR?

A. Primer extension occurs at 72°C

B. Denaturation involves heating at 90 to 98°C

C. Annealing involves the binding of primer between 40 to 60C°C

D. All of the above

Question : Denaturation is the process of _________.

A. Heating between 72°C

B. Heating between 40 to 60°C

C. Heating between 90 to 98°C

D. None of the above

Question : What is the process of binding of primer to the denatured strand called?

A. Annealing

B. Renaturation

C. Denaturation

D. None of the above

Question : Which of the following is the first and the most important step in the polymerase chain reaction?

A. Annealing

B. Primer extension

C. Denaturation

D. None of the above

Question : Why are vent polymerase and Pfu more efficient than the Taq polymerase?

A. Because of proofreading activity

B. Because of more efficient polymerase activity

C. Both A and B

D. None of the above

Question : Which of the following is the basic requirement of PCR reaction?

A. Two oligonucleotide primers

B. DNA segment to be amplified

C. A heat-stable DNA polymerase

D. All of the above