Are you looking for Mcqs on Evolution? If Yes then you are at right place. Here you will find Evolution Mcq Questions and Answers, Trivia, Quiz, Interview MCQ & Evolution Current Affairs for Competitive Exams like Neet exams, around 30% to 40% of Neet questions are asked from given Evolution Mcqs. as you know Questions and Ansers on Evolution is very important for Neet Exam. In this Evolution MCQ section for Neet competition we are covering MCQS on Evolution
Question : Urey and Miller in their experiment used a mixture of gases corresponding to primitive earth. These were
A. C3, NH3, H2, CO2
B. O2, NH3, CH4, H2
C. NH3, CH4, H2O, CO2
D. CH4, NH3, H2, H2O
Question : All mammals, whales, dolphins, bats, monkeys and horses have some common traits, but they also show conspicuous differences. This is due to the phenomenon of
A. normalisation
B. genetic drift
C. convergence
D. divergence
Question : The first formed organism (ribo organism) used only _ for catalyzing reactions
B. amino acids
C. fatty acids
Question : Who gave the evolutionary concept of determinants?
A. Dobzhansky
B. Wright
C. Weismann
D. Lamarck
Question : Which of the following is an example of genetic variation?
A. Two children have different eye colours
B. One person is older than another
C. One person has a scar, but her friend does not
D. Tod eats meat, but his brother Rod is a vegetarian
Question : Mass extinction of the end of the mesozoic era was probably due to?
A. continental drift
B. the collision of earth with large meteorites
C. massive glaciations
D. change in earth’s orbit
Question : Which of the following are difficult to explain in terms of natural selection?
A. Male peacocks evolve tail feathers that would appear to make them more rather than less vulnerable to predators
B. Male deer evolve antlers that are not used to defend themselves against predators
C. A bird issues a warning cry that puts it at greater risk of being noticed by a predator
D. Some traits appear to have no adaptive value
Question : Which of these is not a living fossil?
A. Archaeopteryx
B. Duck-billed platypus
C. Lungfish
D. Frog
Question : A living connecting link which provides evidence for organic evolution is
A. Archeopteryx between reptiles and mammals
B. lungfish between pisces and reptiles
C. duck-billed platypus between reptiles and mammals
D. Sphenodon between reptiles and birds
Question : The most recent in human evolution is
A. mesolithic
B. neolithic
C. upper palaeolithic
D. middle palaeolithic
Question : The doctrine of evolution is concerned with
A. gradual changes
B. abiogenesis
C. biogenesis
D. none of the above
Question : In which of the following ways is natural selection not analogous to artificial selection?
A. With natural selection “picking” is due to the fit of an organism with its environment; whereas in artificial selection, the breeder “picks” which organisms will breed
B. Natural selection depends upon the presence of variation, artificial selection does not
C. Natural selection occurs within populations, artificial selection does not
D. There is a limit to how much change can be brought about by natural selection, no such limit exists for artificial selection
Question : Who performed this famous experiment to prove the origin of life?
A. Oparin and Haldane
B. Spallanzani and Pasteur
C. Urey and Miller
D. Fox and Pasteur
Question : Which of the following cannot determine phylogenetic relationships?
A. Physiology
B. Morphology
C. Biogeography
D. Embryology
Question : Darwin’s natural selection is based on
A. variations
B. prodigality, struggle for existence, survival of fittest
C. law of use and disuse
D. law of inheritance of acquired characters